Force Orders 1937_44 X No. 44. 25th Ootobat,1937. CIRCUTATED°TODIVISIONAL HEADQUARTERSAND STATION OFFIC ES. P R 0 M 0 T I 0 M S. The £o11ow1ngOfficeria promotedto tha rank oP sergeantPromthe 31at Ootober,1937,at £5. O. Od. pe week:- No. 195 Aotiag Sergeaat Joha kaiaiel HRIDGEN tTEß,Wirral Dlvisilo. The following Officer is promoted to the re.nk of PaidActingSergeantfrom the 21stNovember,1937,at £4.17.61 per week .- No. 120 ConstableJoeephEDGE, Duldnfie]dDivision.