X No. 42. 16th October,l9$7. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANNSOF THE CHESHIRECONSTABULARY. The ChiefConstableie forwardingto Divisionsa supply of Cellophanenvelopes,sheetsof Cellophaaepaperand a eupplyof battlesto be kept at sectionalstationsthroughoutthe Couaty,for use in connectionwith the transportof exhibitsfrom Divisionsto the Laboratory. Itwill not be possibleto wr te on the Cellophane envelopeswhat they contain,and the ChiefConstabledirectsthat the oontentsof eachenvelopewi11 be describedIN INK, on a plainpiece of thin white cardboardor paper,and placedineidethe envelopeeo that it can easilybe readwhen it reachesthe Laboratorywithout openingthe.envelope. To enab1ea supplyof bottlesto be kaptat theae stations,the Constablebringingexhibitsin bottlesto the Iaboratory wi11 obtain the same numbar of bottles fra the lsboratory to replace those braughtby him. The ChiefConetabledirectsthatthe bottleswi11 be kept c1eanand theywi11 na6 be usad for any otherpurpoae. The stoppersmuet be kept on the bottlesto ensurethatthey axe dust-proof. Lab. Form 1, wi11 be forwarded,in dupllcate,with a11 eahibitssent to the Laboratory.