Force Orders 1937_39 X . r N0. 39. CIRCULATEDTO DIVIBIONAL HEADQIIARTEELSAND TO STATION OFFICES. 28thAugust,1937. QIIALIFYINGE%AMINATIONFOR PROMOT20N TO THEBANROF SERGEARf. The followingConstables,whoee xmmesappearhereunder in alphabeticalorder,were successfulin passingthe qualifying eaaminationfor promotioato the ra.nkof Sergeant,whichwas held oa the 19th June,1937. • No. 122 L. Ardara. No. 14 T. R. Astbury. No. 413 P.E.J.Astley. No. 11 J. Atkin. No. 171W.J. Austin. No. 199 S.S. Axon. No. 373A. Banoroft. No. 239 W. C. Bexter. No. 279 H. Bebbington. No. 222 S.\ Bebbington. No. 363 F. C. Be11. No. 267 S. C. Bensoa. Mo. 440 E.. Berry. No. 487 J. F. Blane. No. 411 G. E. Bradbury. No. 43 R. Brett. No. 262 J. Broadey. No. 142 R. Broster. No. 527 S. Buxton. No. 21 F. J. Carlees. No. 409 E. G. Cartlidge. , No. 532W. R. Cartlidge. No. 4 A. E. Cartmell. No.' 521 H. W. Chaffe. No. $1 R. H. Cooke. No. 218W. E. Cooper. No. 285 G. F. Dance. No. 522 G. Davenport. No. 188 W. Dickin. No. 431 J. Digby. No. 266A. Docking. No. 194 F. E. Dodd. No. 261 N. W. Dyaa. No. 120 J. Edge. No. 501 A. Fish ick. No. 494 A. Formeton. No. 519W. H. Gardner. No. 298 J. J. Gaah. No. 136 J. P. Gouldea. No, 303 G. Gregory. No. 372 N. Gregory. No. 296 F. Ha11. No. 507 P. G. Hammond. - 2 - No. 50 C. H. No. 418 H. No. 179A. E. No. 244F. P. No. 86 T. No. 534 J. No. 164R. B. No. 268 J. No. 51 S. No. 272 S. E. No. 150F. No. 99 T. M. No. 282 W. No. 25 G. H. No. 526W. No. 336F. No. 390H. No. 274W. No. 269M. G. No. 53 J. C. No. 18$W. R. No. 24$ G. J. No. 396 E. G. No. 29 C. No. 368 .G. W. No. 420 J.W.H. No. 80 W. J. No. 354G. E. No. 249W. No. 55 H. G. No. 125 H. No. 37 J. No.452 J. No. 83 R. No. 72 T. J. No. 317 W. No. 36 T. S. No. 399 G. No. 513 H. No. 341 F. C. No. 213 J. No. 475 H. No. 514F. No. 530 P. No. 33 G. W. No. 75 W. No. 537W. No. 165 W. E. No. 524W. J. No. 320A. No. 324 W. No. 316 J. H. No. 5 E. No. 182 F. D. No. 191 W. No. 107 S. H mp on. Hanson. Hardiag. Harrison. Hevritt . , Hollaad. Holland. Holli gvrorth . Hough. _ Ouwayth. Jones. Jones. Keadrick. Kirby. Lee . Lowe. Mathere. Maxfield. ' McIver. Mitbhell. Mof£att . Mottershead. Muggeridge. Mullin . Onions. Osborne. parry. Pe a11. P1att. Reade. Rigby. • Robinson. Robiaaon. Robinsoa. Rodger. Savage: Shoa . $kitt. Skitt. S1ade. S1yaa. Smith . Snape. Spana. Stubbs. Tay1or. ay or. Thompeon. Turner. Turn ock . Voas . Warburtoa. Weatherby. Wiggina . Wi1d. Williame. No. 338 F. Willieme. Ao. 405 A. A. Winetanley. No. 173 M. Wood. No. 348 A. H. Yroodcock. No. 71 S. Worrall. In accordancewith Regula.tion31 of th® Po11ceRegulations 1920a reaordof suchpassingwill be made ia the recordaoC thoee concerned. ' A11 othercandidates,who presentedthemselves,falled1a this ei mi tioa. 1a accordaaaewith the Regulationaa eatryto thie effectwi11 be mada in theirrecords• Thosewho failedare prohibitedby the Regu]at oa from preaeatingthanselvesfor a promotionexaminationfor 12 montheafterthe date o£ this examiaat3on. . The ChiefConstabl®waa very pleaeedwith the high staadard of the paperaparbicularlythoseof the o1derCoastablee. The papersdoneby the candidatesiadioatethat a7.1r anke have benefitedfromthe 3nstructionwhichthey bave receivedoa the eoientificaide of Polioework. The ChiefConstableie eatiefied thatthe lecturesand instructiongivenby the DetectiveSuperlatendent on fingerprinteand the Modue Operandisysteoxhave had very sat3afactoryresulteaad the paperadoue by the candidateshae•thatthey have a good practicalkao ledgeof these subjects. Th1s caa oaly be the reeulto£ aoundinstruction. The ChiefConstabledireotethat eeaiorOfficers, particularly Iaepectore,will givethoee Constables,who have passeda promotion examination,aa many opportunitiesas poesibleto learnthe practical side of a Sergeaat'swork. To thie part of a Constable'strainiag laepectorashouldpay atteatloa1n orderthat they may beaie to expressaa opinionoa the capab313tieeoP a partioularConatabl®, particularlyin regardto his po eraof oommand. Thosewho have paaaedthis exeminationmuet be carefulnot to re1axthelr effortsto maiatalaand inareaeetheirkao ledge- This partioularlyappliesto th® youagermea. The ChiefConatabl®hopesthat unsuccessfulcandidateew111 aot be diecouragedby their failureoa thie occasioh. Very few oP thoeewho failedgot less than 65 /. Therewere few bad papers. This reflectsored3ton a11 oonoerned. YouagConstableson whose trainingand educationao much time ie being spentare warnedthat aa the ataadardof Joiovrledgeincrea e ,eo mu t promotioaexaminationsgrovmore difficult. The oldermea have set a standard. The youngermen must work up to it.