Force Orders 1937_37 X No. 37. 30th Ju1y,1937. C RCUI TED TO D1VI5ION4L HFi1DQ ARTERS AND STATION OFFICES . PROEdOT I ONS. The followingOfficeris pr&ootedto the rank of Sergeantfromthe 1stAugust,1937,at £5. 0. Od. per week :- No. 326ActingSergeantWiiliamLOWE,CreweDivision. The following Officer is promoted to the rank of Paid ActingSergeantfrom ist Ju1y,1937,at £4.17.63. per week :- No. 265 ConstableGeorgeFrederiokDANCE,B o to Division. Th following0£ficeris promotedto the rank of Paid i ActingSergeantfrom 1stAugust,1937,4t £4.17.6d. per xeek :- No. 501 Deteati a=Con table AlberbFIS JrIC ,Duki fieldDivision.