Force Orders 1937_35 X Circulatedto a.1.1 No. 35. Ranks o£ the Cheshira 15th Ju1y,1937. Const abu]a ry . The ChiefConstablehas forwardedto Divisionsa supply of CellophaneEnvalopes,5heetsof CellophanePaperaad 2 dozonbottles for use ia coanectionwith the transportof exhibits£rom Divisionsto the Laborato ry . . It tivi11 not be po si l to rite ou the Callophane Envelopeswhat they contain,and the ChiefConetabledireotsthat the contentsof each envelopewi11 be describedIN INK,oa a plainpiece oP thin white cardboardor pape ,and placediasidethe envelopeso that it can easilybe readwhen it reachesthe Iaboratorywithoutopeniag the envelopo. . To enablea supplyof bottlesto 1 ekept at Divisions,the Co ta le. i gi exhibitsin bottlesto the Iaboratoryw111 obtain the same numberof bottlesfromthe Laboratoryto replaoethose brought by him. The ChiefCoastabledirectsthat the bottlesv 11 be kept c1eanand theywi11 not be usod for any otherpurpose. The stoppers must be kept on the bottlesto ensurethat they are dust proof. Lab.Form 1'wi11be forward®d,ia duplicate,with a11 exhibitssentto the Laboratory.