Force Orders 1937_34 X TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKS EXCEPTCONSTABI.ES. No. 34. 12th Ju1y, 1937. SECTION LOFFICEFILES,INDEXAND BOOKS. Sergeantereeponeiblefor the SectionalOffice files, index and booka wi11 be held etrictly reeponeiblethat they are kept up to data, clean and in good order. The index to books must be completedat the aame time ae the entry is made in the main part of the book. Any documentwhich is filed in the filing system and ie to be i) idexedin the card indax system wi11 be indexed before it ie put away in the files. To make an entry in a book and not completethe index at the eame time is carelessnessfor which there can be no excuee. Failure to complete entries in booke as soon ae poesible leesene the value of recorde and there can be no excuse £or auch negligence. Inspector wi11 make a practice o£ testing the Sectiona1 Office files, index and books ae often ae poeaibleand wi11 eneure that they are kept fu11y up to date. The Chief Conetablewi11 detail an officer from Head- Quartersto make a periodical inspectionof Sergeantsfiling eyeteme and offices. Ify after euch an inspectionby the Officer detailed £rom Headquartersor the In pector of the Sub-Division, the Chief Conatable finds the records are not properly kept he wi11 hold not only the Sergeant concerned responsiblebut aleo the Officer by whom the In pectionwaa carried out. If a Sergeantie absent for any rea on,theSergeant,who ie responsibleduring hie absence, wi11 be reaponsiblefor the office filee and books.