Force Orders 1937_33 X No. 33. 5th Ju1y,1937. CIRCUTATEDTO DIVIS20NAL EEADQUARTER5AND STATION OFFICES. P R 0 M 0 T I 0 N S. The fo11ow3ngOfficeraare promotedto the rank of Sergeantfromthe 4th Ju1y,1937,at £5. 0. Od. per weetito take part a the "SpecialScheme". No. 423 Act3ngSergeantErnestTITLEY,Eeadquarters. No. 233 ActingsergeantDanielG3lbert ÁSSEY,Headquarters. No. 157Acting Sa geaabAlbertDAVIES,Eeadquarters.