Force Orders 1937_29 X No. 29 16th June, 1937. CIRCII8k7 TO A?,L RANKS(F TUE CIL','S LRS CiNkTABIOLRY. SCALF, 0; PAY. Superintondents,Chief Inspeotors& Inspectors. 0i th© recornoendation of the Chief Constable the Stanàing Joint Co d+,te at a'..*eetin&held on the 1st àay, 1937, Resolved :- T .Tthe Secretaryo£ 5tate be asked to approve the fixing of the Sca1e of P y for Lk'perintendents,Chief Inspector& Inspectors in this Cour.ty, as follows .- S perintesdents. Chief Inspector. Inspectors. The secretary 388,030j93,approved of on 1st Ju1y, 1937. £a30 a year risilg by four annual incrementso£ £17.10.9to m .ximum o£ £5 0 a year. The Traffic Superintendentand the Superintendents in eharge of the Crev e and llorthwich D visions after reaching the zwxi u (£ 0 a year) of the ordinary scale to proceed by two further annual increments of £25 to a m .ximnm of £550 a year. The Dective Superintandentand the Supeintendeots in cherge of the Altr ncham, Wirral and DukinfieldDivisionsafter roachin;the ma mum (£5 0 a year) of the ordinary scale ta proceed b,yfour additional Annual incrementso£ £25 tb maximum of £600 a yeor. £375 a ycdr rising b,yfour annua1 increments of £,1 to a maximum of î415 a year. î325 a year rising by five annua1 increments of î.10 to a caximun af £375 a year. of Staté by letter dated 9th June, 1937, _T:o. the above Sca1e, which wi11 come into operation 1 - 1 - - 2 - Consequenton the above the pay of bhe underrnentioned Superintendents,Chief I spectorand Inspectorswill be as follows :- from 1st Ju1y, 1937. • • Head Quarters Broaéon Altrincham Eddisbury Crewe Northoich I7irral Dukinfie k .'scc1esfie 13 Rmicorn Dukinfield Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent kuperintcndent Superintendent Supe rintenc.e t Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superir.t end ent Superintendent Superinter_dent P1att . Ross Powell. Morgan. B".orris. Smith. Bracegirdle Durnell. Thorb•arn. Henderson. Pleavin. Jac L-son. £525 per annum. £500 " " £465 £500 " " "82.10. 0 „ 82.10.0 " £a30 " " £447.10.0 £55 ) " " £500 " " £430 " " £447.10 .0 £375 " Chief Inspector1Yeatherby. Head Quarters A1tr c hant Cyevre Northvich Wirral Dukiofield E".acc1e sfie 1d Runcorn Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspecto Inspector Inspector Inspector In^.pector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspeetor Inspecto Inspector Ins pe ct or Ins pe ct or Taylor,Recruits School. £335 per i u . Papvorth. £325 " " iaylor, A.R.P. Dept. £325 " " Jones. £365 " I a l n g. £353 " r^raser. £325 " Breeze. £375 " Parker. £325 " n Athron. £325 " Harris. 8 35 " Powe11. £365 " Piakelin. £335 " Lindop. £325 " Furniss. 8 75 " Dean. £365 " Greory. £375 " •