Force Orders 1937_24 X No. 24. 19th 7ay, 1937. CI CULATEDTO ALL RANKS OF ' THE CHESHIRECONSTABUTARY. THE CHESHIRECONSTABUL&RYPROVIDENTFUND. At the SecondAnnua1Isetingof the ?Aanagoneabof the aboveFund,held at Noythwichon Friday7th May, 1937,the Following Resolutionwas passédunanimously:- "RESOL'JED :- That the amount of subscription from a Widow 3âember o£ the Fund be reduced£rom 2s. 6d. to 1s. 6d.,the reductionto operateat once." The aboveResolutionwi11 forma flevisedRu1e of the Fund,and a nu,^berof printedslipscontainingthe revisedru1e have been forwardedto Superintendents,who wi11 distributea copyto eachmemberof theirDivisionsand to each ex-memberof the Constabu]arywho is a membarof the Fund. A copywi11 also be handed to each Widow `wember of the Fund. The slip shouldbe kept in the back of the presentBook of Ru1ssaad membersshouldmake a note.onFage 5 as £o1lows:- "SeerevisedRu1e dated 7th '..'ay,1937." Buperintendentawi11 note that the amountto be collected £rom Widow Members in Suture vrill be 1a. 6d. and not 2s. 6d. CHESHIRECONSTABULARY PROVIDENT FUND. REVI5ED RULE. 7th May 1937. . 1. That porion of Ru1e 4 of the Ru1es of the above Association relating [o t6e Contributions to be made by Widow Members is revoked, and the following substituted therefore:- W dow Members 1/6 on the dt' oE a female member. 2. The above rule she11 come into operationat once. EXAMINEDan d APPROVED. J. BECKE, Chief Constable of Cheshire.