Force Orders 1937_23 X No. 23. 17thmay, 1937. CIRCUI TEDTO A1L RAVEk CP THE CHEBHIRE CoNkT&BUL&RY. The ChiefCo t leon behalfof a11 Membersof the CheshireConstabulary,sentthe followingtelegram:- His EájestyThe King, ckinghamPalace. A11 membersof the CheshireConstabularyrespectfully tendertheirhumbleduty,devotionand 1oyaltyto your ?Wajesties. ChiefConstableo£ Cheshire. The followinggraciousrep1yhas been received:- ChiefConstableof Cheshire,Chester. The King and Queenare much gratifiedto receiveyour messageof congratulationson the occasionof TheirMajesties Coronatior_.2 am desiredto expresstheir'zainthanksto a11 "rhojoinedin thesegoodwishes., Private5ecretary.