Force Orders 1937_22 X No. 22. l4h May, 1937. TO BE CIRCIILATEDTO ALL RAM SOF THE CIEkIIRECONkTABULARY. RE3T D YS. A casehas been broughtto the Ch1efConstable's attentionin which the privilegeoP havinga weekly"Restday"was grosslyabused. Recreatlonby playinggames or visitingfriendsia the vicinityob iouslycomplywith the spiritof the concession,on the otherhand longand tiriagjournaysobviouslydefeatthe whole objectof the concessionwhichaa its name impliesdenotesrest. • In £utureany memberof the Forcewho intendsto leave his districtwi11 informhis senior0£ficerthe day be£orehis allotted "Restday"where he is going,and if in the opinionof u h eenior Of£icer,beingan Inspectoror Sergeant,such a journeyseemsuarea onabla,he wi11 bringthe matterto the noticeof the Superiateadent, who will» if he agreeswith such opinion,give instructions that eucha journeymust not be undertaken. In like manner kuperintendentswi11 dealwith proposedjourneysby Inspectors. If a membero£ the Forceintendsto be awayfor one or more nightshe wi11 givea definiteadd éss. Officerswho completetheirtour of duty at or before 12 Midnightwi11 ccamueixcetheir "Reetday" at 6 a.m.,the following morning,and thosewho oompletetheir duty after 12 Midnlghtaad before6 a.m.,wi11 commencetheir "Restday" aia hours after oompletingnight duty,i.e.,.a Constableparadingoff du6y at 1.0 a.m.,would commencehie "Restday"at 7.0,and a Conetable .paradingoff duty at 2.0 a.m.,would commenceat 8.0 a.m., 2 Superintendentasre authorisedto so varytha hoursof dutyon the daythe "Restday"endseo ae to fit inwith the hour the Coastableresumesduty. Shoulda specialapplicationbe occasionally made fora "Restday"to commenceearlierthanbefore-mentioaefdo,r aay exceptioaaplurpoee,Suparintendantmaay use theirdisaretionaa to allowiagsame. Itmust be understoodthatunderany circumstancetshe "Restdaÿ"endsat the semehourtwenty-fourhourslater. An entryof tha "Restday"and, in the eventof his leaving hie district,of the,exacthourat whichhe leaveshia Statioaand returnsto it,wi11 be enteredby each.Officerin hie Polioenotebook, aa f ol1 :- "Reetday"allotted,from 8 a.m. 13thKay to 8 a.m.14thbiay. "Didnot 1eavedistrict" or "LefbStationat 9 a.m.,for Liverpool. Returnedat 11 p.m. (asthe casemay be)" It ehouldbe clearlyunderstoodthat Officerswho 1eave theirdistricton their"Restday"do so on the distinctunderstanding thattheyreturnto thelrStationsin suf£icientimeto enablethem to performtheirnexttour of duty effectively.