Force Orders 1937_20 X No. 20. 12th ?ay, 1937. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANK4 THE CHESHDtECO STABUTARY. BEAT REPORTS. ail Suspected Persons on Beats. Particularsrel t3ngto criminalsand suspectedpersons residing90 o frequentinga beat'viiibe recordedin the BeatReport. . Pagesforthis purposefor inaertionin aU BeatReports are beingissuedto thos®concerned. Theseparticularsare not requiredin BeatReportsfor Beats whereth.ereis an ii.0.Tab1eor LI. Box in use and alsoa BtyeetIndex of convictedail suspectedpersons. 2f suchcases,h e er,the sheets will sti11be insertedin the BeatReportbut wi11be marked"See1.0. Tab1eor Box and Str etIndex". At DivisionalOfficesand stationofficeswhichhavea card indexsystem,cardswi11be insertedbear3ngthe headings'CR i AIS ON BEAT','SUSPECTSON BEAT'. Di s oal0£ficeswi11 use th lrown codenumberforthe BeatReport. The codenumberforthè BeatReports filedat 5tat onsis A.6/ so thatthe referencenumberto suspected persons wi11 be A.6/86. Entrieson thesepageawi11be indexedin the cardindexsystem at stationsunderthe differentclassificationosf offences- knownor suspected. Entrieson the sheetsthemseiveswi11 be numberedconsecutively to faailitateasyreference.Page85 r.efers to crimimis. If therewere ton entrieson this pggeand number10 referredto John Br own - Hoasebreaker, it would be suff icient to refer to him as 85/10.In the saa way if therewerenine entrieson page86,whichrefersto suspectedpersonsandnu:.ber6 was JohnJones- a susrcctedbut unconvictedfowlstealerit wouldbe suf£iciento referto him as 86/6. Thusin the caseof the suspectedfowl stealera cardwi11 ba insertedi.nthe card indexbearinóthe heading'F044L STEALERs' and on this cardwi11be shownany convictedor suspectedpersons whosenan san3 particularsappearin eitherpage85 or 86. Since detailsai-egivenoa thesepagesnothingneedappearin the bodyof the cardbeyondthe nam of tbe man and the consecutivenumberof No. 20. - 2 - the entryon the pagein the BeatReportin vrhichthe detailsare given. EXAMPLEOF A CARDBEARINGT 1 READING 'F08 STEAL..RS' JohnJones A6/86/6. 2n the examplegiven,A6/86/6 merelymeansparticularsof a man namedJohnJoneswho'issuspectedo£ £ow1stealingareto be foundin the sixthentryon page86 o£ the BéatReportat that particular'station. The followingadditionswi11 be m deto the indexat the back o£ the BeatReport:- After 'COURTS+insert'CRIMINALSON BEAT' Page 85, 86. After 'sURVEYORS'insert'SUSPECTSON BEAT'Page 86. A11 rankswi11be held responsiblethattheyare familiar withthe entriesk a BeatReportwhichrelateto crimirls and suspectson the beatand alsofor theirpartIn ensuring thatthe informationis keptup to date. - Any changeswin be notifiedon C.I.D.24. The prinoiples set out in GeneralOrderNo. 39 o£ 1936wi11 be compliedwith. Sergeantsresponsiblefor BeatReportsand Sergeantsin whosecoi andsthereare Constableswith BeatReportsshouldobtain the necessaryparticularsfor compilingthis seotionof the Beat Report£romthe DivisionalM.0.systemandwhenth s has beendone theywi11ba responsiblefor ensuringthatup to dateinformation 1s kept in the BeatReportsand fortransmittingfreshInforriation to the LI. Departments . . The ChiefConstab1e pointsoutthat if theseinstructions are intelligently carriedout the localrecordswill increase considerablyin va1ue.Any advicewhichnay be necessaryon difficulties thatmay ariseor what recordsare to be keptor wherethe information can be obtainedwillbe givenby the DetectiveSuperintendenitf applicationis cadeto him. Superintendentwsill reportto the ChiefConstableby first poston 1st June,1937,thatthe aboveinstructions havebeen carried No. 20. 3 out and that a11 BeatReportshave been broughtup to dateto complywith these instructions. To enablethe ChietConstableto judgefor h mselt the natureamd extentof the particularsrecordedin various partsof the Countyhe wishesBuperinteodentsto me tionk their reportsthreo or four Beat P.eports- some ruraland some urban - which in theiropini.onare good examplesof BeatRecords oP Criminalsand BuspectodPersons. Laterthe ChiefConstable will aak for so eof these BeatReportsfor comparisonpurposes.