X No.,17. 28thApril, 1937. CIRCUL4TED TO ALL RANKZ THE CHESHIRECONSTABU8RY. ALTEP TIONSd TO COUNTYPROPERTY. The ChiefConstabledireatsthat irm ediatelyany alterationor additionto PoliceStat onsor Countyowaedhouses has been conxaencedby the Contractor,the occupieror officerin chargewi11 that day report,throughthe Super tendeatof the Division,for the inforaatioaof the ChiefConstable. Similarlya reportwi11 be submittedwhen the work has been completed,suchreportto stateexactlywhat has been do ne . Failureto carryout the above instructionswi11 be treatedas a disciplinaryoffence.