Force Orders 1937_15 X No. 15. 1 15thApri1,1937. CIRCUI.ATEDTO ALL RAN&5OF TRE CHESHIRE CO 15T BULARY. FORGINGSIGNATURESAND SIGNING INCORRECTCERTIFICATES A casewas reoentlydrawnto the ChiefConstable'a atteationin which a DivisionalC1erkand an AsaistaatC1erk s3gnedthe name of a Sergeantoa F/26 ae havingreoeivedcertain monieafor postage. The Sergeaatdid receivethe moneybut his signaturefor receiptwas £orged. To forgea signatureeven 1f there is no moaetarygaia, is a very seriousmatter3ndeed. The ChiefConstablewould have thoughtthat both Police senseand commonsensewould have preventedeucha wrongfulaation. The ChiefConstablewishes it to be c1earlyunderstood that aa Officerwho forgeathe name oP anotherOfficer- aot only , rendershimself1iableto crimiml proceedings,but even if thera are no criminalprocéedinga,auahaotioarenderehim 1iableto dismissalfrom the Force. SeniorOfficersfrom time to time hav_eto eigaCertifloates that they have inspectedbooks or taken eome otheractioa. For a aen3orOfficeror ia fact any offiaerto eigna certificatethat he has 3aepeoteda book or takeaaome otheractionwithouthaviag done eo, not oalyfakes euoha certifioatevaluelessaid mlaleading but ehowsthat euchan officeria unfit for any positionof truet.