Force Orders 1937_14 X No. 14. 8th Apri1, 1937. CIRCU ATEDTO DIV2SIONAL HFADQUARTERS AND STATION OFFICES. P A 0 M 0 T 2 0 N S. The foflowingOfficeris promotedto the acting racko£ Inspector(uapaid)fromthe 11thApri1,1937. No. 460 Sergeant John Albert TAYLOR,Wiyral Division. Fromthe 16thApri1,1937,ActingInspectorTaylor 'willba secondedfrompolicedutiesand v i be direot7y underthe ChiefConsbablea 5taffOfficerin connection withAir Ra1d Precautions. The followingOffioeris promotedto the ranko£ SergeantProm 11thApri1,1937,at £5. . . pe week:- No. 510ActingSergeantCharlesTharaHARR2S,North'wich Divisioti.