Force Orders 1937_13 X To be Circulatedto a11 No. 13 Ranks of the CheshireConstabulary. 7th Apri1,1937. STATISTICALINUESTIGAT20NOF ROAD TRAFFICACCIDENTS. The Ministerof Transportbas decidedto discontinue£rom 1st Apri1 1937,the uae of FormsF.S. 90 (specialReportof Road TrafficAccident),consequently GeneralOrderNo. 28 dated 27thMarch,1936 and CircularMemorandumNo. 35 dated 15th October,1936,are cancelledfrom thatdate. A new form o£ Report (FormF.S. 98) of which to recordcertain particularsregardinga11 fatalaccidents,accidentsinvolvingper onalinjury,and accidentein which road conditionsare allegedto be a eauseor contributorycause, wi11 be broughtinto operationin respectof accidentsoccurringon and aftar1st Apri1,1937. Theseformswi11 be made out in duplicate,end both copiecsubmitted • to this Office,fromwhere they wi11 be distributedto the HighwayAuthorityconcerned as rogardsCountyand DistrictRoads,and to the Ministryo£ Transportaa regards TrunkRoads. A list o£ roadsin the County,which from 1st instantbecameTrunkRoads .underthe controlof the Ministerof Transport,is givenbolow,and enclosedherewith is a list oP the TruckRoadsin the Country. This listwi11 be retainedby% superintendents. Divisional Road Area 'Ministryof Transport GeneralDasotiptionof RouteClassification Number CoalpitViii(staffa) - lawtonGateA.5011 Whitchurch(salop)- Tushing amBy-pass-A.41 Handley- ChesterRing Road MIDLAMD NORTH- Buxton- Whaley Bridge- Stockport 4.6 17EST RN Rode He th- HolmesChapel- Knutsford- A.50 Mere - Y{arrington ChesterRing Road - GreatSuttonBy-pass- A.41 EasthamBy-pass- Bromborough- Birkenhead Wrexham- Pulford- Chester A.483 Chester= StamfordBridge- Yrestof Tarvia . A.51 Tax'vinBy-pass- Ke1sa11- Delanere A.54 Dalamere- Hartford- NorthtiaichBy-pass- Tab1ey A.556 Infe ior- Mere - junctionwith A.56 Junctionwith A.556 - Altrincham- Stretford A.56 Vrithregardto Countyand DistrictRoads,enquiry•ri11haveto ba made 1oca11yae to whethertha road on which an accidentoccursis under the control of the CountyCouncilor the 1oca1Council. Tho generalrule is that the main road in an Orban Districtis a TrunkRoad or underthe controlof tha CountyCouncil, and the otherroadsunderthe DistrictCouncil,but this doeanot applyin everyoase. Unolassifiedroadsin Rura1Districtsare CountyRoads. (1) . No. 13 7thApri1,1937. (SHEETNo. 2.) The Constablemaki.ngoutthe AocidentReporton Form1.23wi11be responsiblefor makingoutthe FormsF.S. 98,and particularattentionis drawn to the aotesprintedon the backof the latterForm. Beforemakingoutthe FormsF.S. 98,the Constablewi11make enquiries. as to whetherthe accidentoccurredon a TruckRoad,CountyRoad or DistrictRoad and theAuthoritycontrolling the road,and he wî11make an entryinred inkat the top oP eachformas foU w (a)If a TrunkRoad "Tr nkRoad." . i Forme 1.23. ( )If a Road controlledby the CountyCouncil (c)If a Road controlledby a DistrictCouncil UCheshireCountyCouncilHighway .Authority." "saleBoroughHighwayAuthority." "BebingtonU.D.HighwayAuthority"etc.. In orderto enabletho particularson FormsF.S. 98 to be checkedat this Office,the followingfurtherparticularwsill be en,étereodn Foin1.23:- (a) In Column2 wi11be enteredwhetherTrunkRoad or naineof appropriateHighwayAuthori.ty. ( ) In Co1umn6 w111 be entéredthe agesof the driverso£ vehicles involved,statingafterthe age (E)for estimatedage,or (S) for statedage. (c) In Co1umn9 wi11 be enteredpart cular of pedestrianskilled or injured,in additionto personson the vehiclesand the age of , the pedestrianmust be given,statingwhetherthe age is estimated. or statedas in ( )above. It must be understoodthatFormsF.S. 98 must be carefullycheckedat DivisionalHeadquartersbeforebeingforwardedtothis Office. •