Force Orders 1937_12 X No. 12. 3rd Apri1, 1937. CIRCUTATEDTO ALL RANKS CE THE CHESHIRECONSTABULARY. P R 0 M 0 T I 0 N S. The folloxingOfficersare promotedto the rank of Sergeantfrom 11thApri1,1937,at £5. . O. pe week :- No. 387 ActingSergeantHorbertflenrickSMITH,RunooraDi ision. No. 38 Acting Sergeant R311iam VlELSH, YPirral Divis ion. The following0fflcer is promotedto the raak of Pa1d ActingSarg®antfrom ist May, 1937,at £4.17.6d. pe week:- No. 69 ConstableAlbertEdwardBILLINOTON,Headquarters.