Force Orders 1937_11 X 18th ?:árch, 1937. CIRCUTATEDTO ALL RANKS OF T E C E5 IRECONkTABULttRY. PR OIdOT I O dS. The following Otficer is promoted to the rank of Sergeantfrom 28th L^árch,1937,at £5. 0. 0 per week, vice Na. 322 SergeantFrederickCharlesSkelcher:- No. 391 ActingkergeactArthurPLEAVIN,liaoclesfieldDivision. The followingOfficeris pro otedto the rank of Sergeantfrom 11thApri1,1937,at £5. . O. per weok,vice No. 408 SergeantEdwardParry 811er :- No. 30 ActingSergeantEdmundFRYER,CreweDivision. The followingOfficcris pro otedto the rank of Paid Acting Sergeantfrom 11thApri1,1937,at £4.17.6d per weeks- No. 226 ConstableDouglasBRADB'JP1i,BroxtonDivision. 0