Force Orders 1937_10 X 1 No. 10. 17th rarch, 1937. CI CUL9TED TO ALL RANKS CF THE CF :SHIRECONSTABULARY. PRO1i0T IONS. The following Officer is promotedto the rank of Inspectorfrom 1st April,1937, at £320 per annwn :- No. 321 Sergeant Bernard LLYD,IP,Dukir_fieldDivision. The followingOfficeris promotedto the rank of Sergoantfrom 1st Apri1, 1937, at £5. O. O. per week :- No. 223 Acting Sergeant Robert Stophen HlY7ARD, Wirral Division. The followingOfficeris promoted to the rank of Paid Acting 5ergeant from 21st March, 1937, at £4.17. 6d. per week:- No. 131 Constable Thocas BAGULEY, A1t cha Division. The folloe+in6Officeiis promoted to the ai* of paid Acting Sergeant fron 23rd Blarch,1937, at £4.17. 6d per week:- No. 123 Constable Samuel ThocasJONES, Duk . f éldDivision. The followiné Officer is promoted to the rank of ActingSergeant from 28th Eárch, 1937, at £4.17. 6d per week:- No. 40 ConstableGeorge John I11es1eyROCK, Altrincham Division. The following Officer is promoted to the rank o£ Paid Acting SergeanE from 1st Apri1, 1937, at £4.17. 6d per week:- No. 342 Constable John Thomas FOR1d3TON,1YirralDivision. The following Officeris promoted to the rank of Paid ActingSergeantfrom 11th Apri1, 1937, at £4.17. 6d per week:- No. 130 Constable Joseph HAIYK5V70RTH,Macclesfield Division.