Force Orders 1937_09 X No. 9. 17thMarch,1937. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKS OF THE CHESH2RECONSTABULARY. QU LIFYING EX 4 fiN TION FOR PROu0TI0N TO THE A 4N1çOF SERGEANT. The follomingconstables,whose namesappearhereunderin alphabatical orderby Divisions,have paeeedthe qualifyingexaminationfor promotion to the rank oY Sergeent.The date o£ paaaingto be the dat® of this GeneralOrder. - No. 226 D.Bradburn. BroxtonDivialon. No. 197 E1lison. -do- No. 131 T.Baguley. AltriachamDivieion. No. 505 8. H. Varie. -do- No. 311 S. J. Worlock. -do- Ro. 204 J.Thompeon. EddisburyDivision. No. 393 H,Co ea. CreweDiviaion. No. 152 J. Annetta. NorthwichDivision. No. 140 C. . L1oyd. Wirra1Division. No. 364 S. Nixon., -do- No. 32 J. A. Rogers. -do- No. 427 R.Young. -do- No. 283 E.Fenney. DukinfieldDivision. No. 77 F.Ikia. -do- No. 123 . T. Jones. -do- No. 289 G. W. Moulton. -do- In accordancewith Regulation31 o£ the PoliceRegulations,1920,a recordwi11 be made 1n the pereona1recordao£ a11 concerned. A11 candidatee,who presentedthemselveefor thie examination,paeeed. A minimumoP 75 p®r cent to quali£yis a high standardbut on thie occaeionit waa exceededby a coneiderablemarginby ;ost o£ the candldatee.The Chief Constableie very pleaaedwith the standardo£ the papersdona by the candidates., The answersehoweda good knowledgeo£ policework 1n generala we11 ae power o£ expreseionand abilityto reaeon. It ie clearthat thereis a marked lmprovementin the standardof knowledgethroughoutthe forceand a good working knowledgeof ScientificRide includingfingerprinte. The monthlyexaminationquestionswi11 contlnueto b® an indicationof the linesalongwhicha11 ranksehouldetudy. Ae th® schemefor educatinga11 ranksdevelopeand the knowledgeo£ a11 ranks increases1n coneequenceit wi11 be appreciatedthat the d fféreßtexamination paperemust aleo becomamore difficult. Thoee,who are etudyingfor examinations, aa.wellas thceewho are directingsuch students,shouldbear this possibility 1n mind. .