Force Orders 1937_07 X No. 7. 10th ?darch,1937. TO HE CIl?CULATEDTO ALL RANKSOF lN1sCEEkOIRE CON TAHUI RY. 1'f IRE L E S S. The Chief Constable is p1eased to eee from r©ports that Constablesare using the wireless. The tima has now come to ensure that on1y messages suitable for wireless transmissionaye sent to either Liverpool or , anchester. A Constablebefore telephoninga message for wireless transmissionshould ask himself the question "what action should 2 ta1o=,if I received this messaga", and i£ the answer is 2 could ko this or that enquiry, or keep observation,or take some other polica action, then sucha messageis a suitable one for transmissionby wireless. If on the other hand the Constablecan think of no action to take for example "a chisel stolen",then such a message though suitablefor circulation by daily infornationis not suitable £or transmissionby wireless. Followingthis reasoning it is,quiteclear that no good purpose would bo served by circulatinga descriptionof a stolen bicycle by wireless,unless there vrassome distinguishing feature either about the bicycla or the rider which could be noticed from a passing car or Constabla on patrol. The Chief Constablewishes the fullest possible use cade o£ the wireless by all Constables,but he wishes it used intelligentlyand not for messages on which police aetion ceamot be taken.