Force Orders 1937_06 X 5th Mzrch, 19$7. CIRCUTATED TO AIL RANI44 TOE CfIES IRE CONSTAI3UTARY. TAKING (F FI1•1GPR PRINT . • The Chief Constablehas observedthat the Finger Prints o£ Prisonersare being taken by the use of an inked pad, aad not by the use o£ the Finger Print Boerd, Ro11er, and Finger Print Ink supplied for the purpose. The Finger Prints o£ all persons in custody wi11 be taken in accordancewith ktanding General Order No. 116, and no apparatus except a board and roller, and Reeves Finger Print Ink wi11 be used. Finger Prints wi11 not be 'taken by the use oP an Inked Pad, or by any other means than by the apparatus and ink suppliedby Headquarters.