Force Orders 1937_02 X No. 2. 13th February,1937. CIRCUI TED TO ALL RAN OF TBE CIEBHIRE CONBTABULARY. (s.) Police Medical Treatment. (b) PoliceDentalTreatment. • GeneralOrdersNos. 297 and 298 of 1934 re hereby cancelled. Theseorderswill be markedby a11 ranksaa follows 'CATCELLBDby GeneralOrder No. 2 of 1937.' Instructionshave been issuedfor the namesand addresses of the PolicaDoctoreaid Dentistsfor the particularbeat to be recordedin the BeatReport. Referencewi11 in £uturebe made to the Beat Reportif it is necessaryto ascertainthe name of the 1oca1Policedoctoror dentist. Thoseresponsiblefor the upkeepof Beat Reportswi11 be notifiedin £uturofrom theirDivisionalHeadquarterso£ any changeein the localPolicedoctoror dentistand wi11 be responsiblefor makingthe neoes ryamendmentin the Beat Report. Reportswi11 sti11be £o • ardedto Headquarterswhen notice is receivedo£ the deathor retirementof a Policedoctoror dentist. Any Constabledes r ngan additionto the listwi11 continueto reportthroughhis Superintendentas is at present the practice. . Thisarrangémentwi11 resultin a materialreductianin the numberof CircularMemorandaissuedduringthe year. Headquartersand Div sionalHeadquarterswi11 keep an up-to-date list of PoliceDoctoreand PoliceDentists.