Force Orders 1936_82 X GENERALORDERNo. 82 of 1936. Issuedoa 10thFebruary,1938. CIRCULflTEDTO ALL RANNS OF THE CHESHIRECONSTABUI,ARY. DFSTRUCTIONOF DOCUMENTS. ( GeneralOrders1936 ) A11 rankswill at oncechecktheir GeneralOrderafor 1936. ThisGeneralOrdermust be insertedin the GeneralOrder file immediatelyafterNo. 81 o£ 1936 - the last GeneralOrderissued in 1936. To eaablethis to ba doae thie GeneralOrderhas been numbered82 of 1936 and wi11 eerveaa a recordof the 1936 General Orderswhich ehouldbe in possessioaof the Officor concerned. Inspectorsehouldchacktheirkergeants'filesand Se;geantashould checktheir Constables'fileeaad satisfythemselvesthat they are in poaeeseioaof a11 the GeneralOrdersorderedto be kept and that those orderedto be extractedand deetroyedhave baea ao dealtwith. When this checkhae bean carriedout the statementat the end of this Orderwi11 be sigaed. After this checkao excuseoan be accep6ed£or any defioiéncies. Exceptat Headquartereand DivisioaalHeadquartarsOffices, where a11 filesmust be complete,the followingGeneralOrdersfor 1936will be extractedand destroyedfor6hwith .- GENERAI,ORDERSfor 1936to be DESTROYED. No. 2, 3, 4, 7, by G.O. 13/37), 46, 47, 49, 51, 9, 11, 29, 31, 52, 57, 12, 33, 63, 14, 34, 66, 15, 35, 72, 16, 36, 73, 17, 37, 74, 21, 23, 40, 41 79. 27, 28 (oancelled ... 43, 44, 44a, TheseOrderswi11 be destroyedby firewithoutdelay. GENER9I.ORDERSfor 1936to be PREBERVED. No. 1. Diariesand Note-booke. No. 5. PoliceNoticaIndexBooks. No. 6. DisciplineCode - Breacho£ Confidence. No. 8. AotingSergeants- RecogaiaedEstablishment. ( 2 ) GeneralOrdersfor 1936to be preser ed(continued). Bicycles. WirelessVans. FingerPrints. Fata1accidente- Removalof Body. RecordForms. Di i ionalApplicationfor Stationery. Duty Chartand 2ndexto Occurrencesand PoliceInformationS1ip. No. 25. PocketPhotographA1bum. FirstAid Certificates. TelephoneLiets. Deteotionof Crime- Circulationof Informe.tionand Searchof M. 0. Records. No. 38. FingerPrints. No. 39. In ormatioa oP 1oca1 and lcacvm criminals, &c., No. 42. StolenPropertyIndex. No. 45. Falsehoodeand FalseEntrios. No. 48. Use o£ Motor-bicycles. No. 50. Watchee. Beat Reports. ExpertExaminationo£ Motor-vehiclesin accidents. Air Raid Precautioas. Enquiriesre. Murder. No. 58. Fingerpriateof Membersof the Force. No. 59. Forci C.I.D. 2. No. 60. ExpertEminat oa of Motor-vehiclesin aocidante. No. 61. Duty Books&c., No. 62. Personsdetainedin hospitals. No. 64. PoliceGazettes,PoliceReports,Dai1y I formatioas, and ForeignRoutes. . No. 65. StationOffioeFiling. No. 67. RegionalCyo1eC1®ariagHouse. No. 68. Depositions. No. 69. Systemof Pay. No. 70. Brake N'srks. Skid Marks. No. 71. CountyMotorvehicles- Motor PatrolPersonnel. No. 75. StolenMotor oars recovered. No. 76. YearlyE lminationof inembersof the Force. No. 77. Reports. No. 78. Prisonersdetainedin ce11s. No. 80. PoliceRecordsand Books. No. 81. PoliceRecordsand Books (Thisorderwas issuedto DivisionalHeadquartersoa7.yand so vi111aot be 9n poeeessiono£ othermembersof the Force). No. 82. Deetruatioaof Documents. No. 10. No. 13. No. No. No. No. 22. No. 24. No. 26. No. 30. No. 32. No. No. No. No. (s) The followingstatmnentwi11 be completedaftorcompliancewith the a a e Order. GeneralOrderNo. 82 of 1936 compliedwith on (date) signature. Eaamined (date) Signature.