Force Orders 1936_81 X a i No. 81. 29th. December 19$6. CIRCULATEDTO HEAL-QUARTERk • A1'IDDIVISIONAIH.EAD-QUdRTEROSNLY. .FORCER xORDShID B00K5. DIVIBIOIAL SUMMONSBOO . Referenceto 5ectionalOccurrenceBook. The SectionalOccurrenceNumberwi11 alwaysbe enteredin the appropriate columnof the SummonsBook. ConsecutiveNumberingand filingof FDrmaM. 19. T•he number oP each M. 19 wi11 be allotted fran the kwonons Book. These fomma wi11be numberedconsecutivelaynd filedin numbricalorderby years. The summonanumberwi11 be enteredonthe . 19 in the apaceprovided. Underno circumstances wi11 a formM. 19 be fileduntilthisnumberhas been entered. The filing of fdrma M.. 19 ii numerical order wi11 permi.t the Su*.mons Book to be usedas an indexto the filesof forcis8. 19. The practicein saneDivisionsof filingM. 191$by çourtswi11 cease. Indexto SummonsBook. The kurnnons Bookwi11 be indexedup to date. If a man has an aliaathiswi11 be indexedin the aameway as his propernamee. Notificatiotno Bectionsof Resultof Proceeding s. Immediatelyafterthe caeehas beenhe&rd'theSummonsBookwi11be enteredup. The rasultof the proceedings wi11 be enteredin the spaceprovidedon the M. 19. Directlythishas beendoneat the DivisionalOfficethe completedformM. 19 (sha ingthe resultof the case)wi11 be returnedto the Sectionalsergeantto enablehimto enter1u his OccurrenceBookthe resultof thé case. The Sectione.l Sergeantwi11 noteon the M. 19 the factthathe haa seenthe resultandwi11 returnthe M. 19 to the DivisionalOfficewithoutdelay. The DivisionalC1erkwi11be held responsiblefor seeingthat the . 19 is sentto the Sectione.Slergeantin everycaseand alaofor seeingthat thereis no delayin re6urningthe . 19 to DivisionalHeadquarters. DIVISIONALCHARGEBOOK. (a) Referenceto 5ectionalOccurrenceBoak':' The SectionalOccurrenceNumberwi11 alwaysbe enteredin the appropriate colummof the ChargecB ok:.' (b) ConsecutiveNumbaringand Filingof FormsM. 18. Tha numberoP eachM. 18 willbe allottedfrom the Charge Book. These £orma wi11 be numberedconsecutively and filedin numericalorderby years. . The chargenumberwi11 be enteredin the . 18 in the spaceprovided. Underno circumetancewai11 a form8. 18 be fileduntilthisnumberhas beed entered. The filingof M. 1B'ein numericalorderwi11 permitthe ChargeBookto be used as an index'to the files o£ 8. 1B's. (c) Indexingo£ ChargeBook. The ChargeBookwill be indexedup to date. 2f a man has an aliasthiswill be indexedin the sameway as his propername. (1) G.O. 81/ 36. - 2 - Receiptsto be attachedto M. 18. A11 receipts- bodyreceipts,prisoner'sproperty&c.,wi11 be securely attachedto the ApprehensionForme (i. 18), numberedwith the same number as the ApprehensionFormand filedwith them. ChargeBook CrossReferencedwith DivisionalCrimeBook. The DivisionalCrimeReportNumberwi11 be shownin the 'Remarks'column of the ChargeBook in caeeeof crime. Thiswill lick togetherthe entriea in the ChargeBook and the DivisionalCrimeRecord. FIRE REPORTS. DivisionalFire Book. Thisbook has been discontinued. Fire ReportFi1e. Fire Reportewi11 be numberedconsecutivelyat DiviaionalHeadquartersfor the year. The reportswi11 be filed in numericalorderin the folderprovided. (o) Fire Reportsto bear OccurrenceNumber. Carewi11 be tskento aee that F3re Reportebearthe SectionalOccurrence number. (d) Copy of Fire Reportfor Headquartere. Fire Reportawi11 continueto made out in duplioete.One copywi11 be sent to Headquarters.Thacopy sentto Headquartersmust bear the DivisionalOffice Fire Fi1enumberaa we11 as the Occurrencenumber. SUDDFNDEATHREPORTS. (a) SuddenDeathReportsFi1e. A11 suddenDeathreports(whetheran inquestis held or not)'wi11be numberedconsecutivelythroughcuthe yaar. Theywi11 be filed in numerical orderin the folderprovided. ( ) SuddenDeathReportsto bear OccurrenceNumber. ' Carewi11 be takento see that a11 SuddenDeathReportsbearthe Sectional Occurrenaenumber. Copy of SuddenDeathReportfor Headquarters. 5uddenDeathReportswi11 continueto be mada out j.0 duplicate.One copy wi11 be sent to Headquarters.The copy senE to Headquartersmust bear the DivisionalOf£iceSuddenDeathReportfilenumberaa well ae the Occurrence number. Copiesof a11 SuddenDeathReportsmust be sent to Headquarters. ACCID31 TREPORTS. (a) ConsecutiveNumber3ngby Yearso£ AccidentRaportsat.DivisionalHeadquarters.. Cmimencingon ist. January1937 a11 accidentreports( M. 23)wi11 be numberedconsecutivelyat DivisionalHeadquartere. Thisnumberingwill includea11 accidentswhich occurfras 1st. Januaryto 31st.-Decemberof each year. C.O. 81/36. $ ( ) Filingof AccidentReportsat DivieionalHeadquarters. A11 AccldentReportsat DivisionelVeadquarterswi11 be filed together 5n numericalorder. (c) DivisionalNumberto be Shovm on Copy sent to Headquarters. The copy of form M. 23 sentto Veadquartersmust alwaysbaar the DivisionalOfficeM. 23 file number. DIVISIONALCAUTIONBOOK. (a) Recordof Cautions. A CautionBookwi11 be kept at each DivisionalOffice. The entriestherein wi11 be numberedconsecutivelythroughoutthe year. ( ) Particularsto be entered. Therewi11 be a neme indexto the CautionBook. In the CautionBookwi11 be recordedthe followingdetails:- A11 cautionsorderedby the Superintendentfor offencesco.. mittedwithin his Division. A11 cautionsorderedby the ChiefConstablefor offencescommittedwith7n the Division. ' A11 cautionsorderedby the ChiefCoastablefor offendersresidingwithin the Division. 111 cautionsgivenby Superintendentsof otherDivisionsin the Countyto offender residingwithinthe Division. Any cautionsnotifledto the superintendentby outsideforceswhich have been adminsteredto personsresidingwithinthe Division. The CautionBookwill containthe followingparticulare:- ‚Thename and addressof the personcautioned. The offencefor which cautionedand the file referencenumber(if any). By whom orderedto be cautioned. Date and by whom or how cautioned. CautionBook Numberto be enteredon Fi1e. When a file is returnedfrom Heaàquartersinformingthe Superintendentof a. cautionadministeredby the ChiefConstablethe numberof the entry the DivisionalCautionBookwi11 be markedon the file befprethe file is returned to Iieadquarters. Copy of Cautionaryletterto be sentto Superintendentwhere personresides. When a uperintendentsendsa letterof cautionto a parsonresidingin the CheshirePoliceDistrictbut in a Divisionotherthan his aam he wi11 senda copy of the cautionaryletterto the Superintendentof the Divlsionia whlchthe person resldes. Notificationof Cautionsseat fromHeadquarters. When a letterof cautionis sent from HeadqvartereOfficeto a person residingin the CheshirePoliceDistrictfor an offencecommittedby him in a. Divisionotherthan the Divisionin whlch he residesa copy of the letterso sent wi11 be sent fromHeadquartersto the Suparintendentof the Divisionwherethe offencewas committedand the Superintendentof the Divisionwhere the person resides. From theee copiesthe DivisionalCautionBookswi11 be made up, the copy letternoted,the cautionbook numberenteredthereonand the copy 1et6er r.eturnedito-vHé dqua terswithoutdalay. 2t is not neceesaryfor a copy of this letterto be kept at DivisionalOfficeas the necessaryinformationwi11 be containedin the CautionBook. G.O. 81/36. 4 MonthlÿList o£ Cautions. The MonthlyList of the ChiefCoastable'sCautionswi11 be discontinued.. A copy of the cautionaryletterwi11 be numberedconsecutivelyand the copiesfiledin numericalorderat Headquartera. HeadquartersRecordo£ ChiefConstabl&sCautiona. A name indexto this recordwi11 be kept at Headquarters. The card indexshouldbe searchedbeforecasesare s bm:.ttedto the Chief Constablefor contemplatedproceedings. F2REAR REGIBTER. Thiswi11 be kept at Headquarters. DivisionalFirearmsRegister. Thiswill be discontiauedforthwith- FirearmsCerti£icates- RenewalNotices. Noticesthat FirearmsCertificatesare'duefor renewalwi11 in futurebe issuedfrom Headquartersto DivisionalHeadquarters£or distributionto the certifioateholderaconcerned. Enquir eaabout FirearmsCertificates. Enquiriesas to the holderaof FirearmsCertificatesresidingin a Division çan be made ( if necessaryby telephone)from Headquarters. FOUND PRDPERTY. (a) Entry of OccurrencaNtmmberin DivisionalRegister. The OccurrenceNumbershouldbe enteredin the appropriatecolumnof the DivisionalRagistero£ FoundProperty. ( ) Disposaloî UnclaimedProperty. Unclaimedproparty,which is the subjectof an antryin the Registerof Found Property,willbe disposedo£ at DivisionalHeadquartersinsteadof being forwarded to Headquarters. Receiptsfor such propertyshouldbe attachedto form M. 25 submittedto Headquarters• The Occurrencenumberand the consecutiventmmberof the Found PropertyRegistershouldappearon the receipts.Form 1.25wi11 be rendered to Head-quarters half yearly on 7th January ar.d 7th Ju1y. NOTICES AND PROCE,DING3 OF ROAD TRAFF2C COLVIISSIONî.RS. (a) Destructionafterthreemonths. These booksvri11be kaptat DivisionalHeadquartersfor threemonthsand then destroyedby fire. If neededat aay time o1d copiescan be obtainedfr Headquarters erea completeset of thesebooks is kept.