Force Orders 1936_80 X No. 80. 29th.Deoember1936. CIRCIILATEDTO ALL RANKB OF THE CHESHIRECONSTABIILARY. FORCE RECORDS AND BOOI S. SECTIONALOCCUp.RENCEBOOKS. (a) Numberingof Entries. A11 entriesin SectionalOccurrenceBookswi11 be numberedconsecutively throughouthe year. Th1swi11 be done from1st. January1937. ( ) CrossReferenciagwith Lock-IIpBodk Entry. IF the entry ia the OccurrenceBook relatesto a matterwhich is enteredin the SectionalLock-upBookthe numberof the entryin the Lock-upBookwi11 be shownin the 'Remarks'columnof the OccurrenceBook. By this systeman entry in the OccurrenceBook can be connactedup immediatelywith the entry in the Lock-upBook. Sy hom Kept. SectionalOccurrenceBookswi11 be kept at SectionalStations. Inspectors are not to keep OccurrenceBooks. DivisionalOccurrenceBook. The DivisionalOccurrenceBookhae been discontinued. OccurrenceBook Numberto be shownoa Occurrenceand ReportForme. The consecutivenumberin the Sectional.0ccurrenceBook must alwaysbe er_tered on the OccurrenceFoci or otherform the subjectmatterof which is enteredin the SectionalOccurrenceBook. When this numberis enteredon a form it wi11 alwaysbe followedby the year. For exampleOocurrenceNumber98 3n 1937wi11 appearas 98/1937. CompletionoP Entriesin OccurrenceBooks. YYherea matter is enteredin the SectionalOccurrenceBook and has been givena numberand there is a subsequentreportabout it the Occurrencenumber must be shownon that reportbeforethe re?ortis transmittedto Divisional Headquarters. Mattersreportedby men o£ otherdistricts. 2n additionto mattersreportedby men o£ the Sectionmattersreportedby constableswho are not membereof the Sectionmustbe recordedin the Sectional OccurrenceBook o£ the Sergeantin whose Sectionthe offenceswere deteoted or the occurrencetakesplace. Reportsmadeby the Motor Patrolwi11 go fromthem to the Motor PatrolSergeant to be transmittedby him to the sergeantof the Section.conoernedFor eatryin hie OccurrenceBook aad transmissionto the Superintendent. Notificationof Resultof Proceedingefor entryin OccurrenceBook. Form M. 19 wi11 be completedat DivisionalHeadquarterseo as to show the date and resultof proceedingsand wi11then be e u nedto the SectionalSergeant to enablehim to entar in his OcourrenceBook the resultof the case. The SectionalSergeantwi11 note havingdone ao in the marg3n of the M. 19 near the 'Resulto£ Case'sectionof the form and returnthe M. 19 to Divisional Headquarterswithoutdelay. (1) _ G.0.80/1936. (2) SECTIONALOCCURRENCEBOOKS (continued.) (i) Pageand Numberof PocketBookto be sha n in OccurrenceBook. The practiceof enteringin the OccurrenceBook the page in the note-hook and the numberof the note-bookwi11 be continued. SECTIO 19LLOCK-UPBOOKS. (e )Where to be kept. A Lock-UpBookwi11 be kapt at each 5tationwhere thereare ce11s. Where thereare ce11aat DivisionalFieadquartersa Lock-upBookwi11 be kept in respectof these oe11s. - The Sergeantresponsiblefor the Sectionalfilingwi11 be held responsible that the Lock-UpBook is properlykept. (b) DivisionalLock-UpBook Discontinued. The DivisionalLock-UpBook hae been discontinued.It' placehae been takenby the DivieionalChargeBook suitablyameided. 86k-Up Book Entriesto be numberedoonsecutively,aad Ind xed. Entriesin the Look-UpBookwi11 be numberedconsecutivelythroughoutthe year,exceptthat where .priaon ris broughtup on remandon severalocoaeions in respectof the 8ame chargethe sanienumberwi11 be allottedeach time. A notewi11 appear in the 'Remarl ' columnon the first occasiononwhich an entry ie m.adeas to the pagea on which the sameman subsequentlyappears. Caremust be takento ensurethat the Lock-upBook is properlyindexed. If a man has an aliasthat must be indexed. CrossRaferencingwith OccurrenceBookEntry. The numberof the entry in the OccurrenceBook must alwayebe shown ia the appropriateoolumnof the Lock-upBook. CELL REGISTERS. . (a)Whereand how to be kept. . A Ce11Registerwi11 be kept at each Lock-Up. It wi11 be kept on tilatable in the Ce11 Passage. . ,(b) E try of Prisoner'sPersonalProperty. The personalpropertyof the prisonerwi11 also be shownin the Ce11 Register. Carewi11 be takeato easurethat the entriesabout such property agreewith entrieselsewhere. • (c) kdex to Names. Carewi11 be takento ensurethat the Ce11 Ragisteris properlyindexed. If a man has an aliasthatmuet be indexad. APPRE - NSION FO1d S - CASES TAKEN INTO COI 3IDERATION. (a) YVhen and by Whcin to be made out. An ApprehensionForm (M. 18) wi11 be made out for 'Offenceatakeninto considerationelsewhere'and particularsv 11 be enteredin the ChargeBook. The 34.18 wi11 be made out to showc1earlywhat has happeaed. The objectof' this is to enab1ethe ChargeBookat DivisionalHeadquertersto be used as an indexto a11 chargesarieingf c matterscommittedwithinthe Dlvision. G.O. 80/1936. $ APPREHENSIONF0283 - CASESTAaE INTO CONSIDÉRATION. (a) When and by whom to b e me.deout (continued). The officerwho me.kesout C.I.D.13wi11 be held responsiblethat the ApprehensioaForm 1s made out. ( ) Entryof particularsin the OccurrenceBook an d Note Book. The aame of£icerwi11 be responsiblethat the ApprohenzionForciis sent to the SeationalSergeantconcernedso thatthe necesearyentryca be made ii the SectioaalOccurrenceBookand in the note-bookof the Constableconcerned. ACCIDENTREPORT8. (a) 1.2$ ta be renderedin duplicate. Form 1.23wi11 be made out in duplicate.One copy wi11 serveae the DivisionalOffiaereoord,the othercopywi11 be sent to Head-quarters. ( ) Form 1 .23 to replaceForm 1 .17 in AccidentReports. In futureform1.17 wi11 not be made out in Accidentcasas.The necessarydetailsfor the OccurrenceBookwi11 be extracted£rom form 1.23. I