Force Orders 1936_79 X No. 79. 23 d December, 1936. CIRCULaTED TO AIL PiNR4 OF TIE CHÉSHIRE CON5Z4BUIf RY. CHRI5TMß3 GREETINGs. The Chief Constablewishes a11 members o£ the Cheshire Constabularyand their families a T., erryChristus and a Happy New Year. . The Chief Constablehas been " y impressedby the marked improvementin the different sidas of police work. There can be no doubt that the general Imowledge on police matters has improved,with the consequentresult of a narked increase in the number of detectionsof crime and nor i there any doubt that au police duties are being performedbetter in consequenceof that knowledge. The Chief Con.teb1e would like to take this opportun tyo£ thanking a11 ranks for thoir co-operation aridfor the willing manner k which they have tried to oarry out his wishes in a11 educationalmatters, and in the introductionof new eystems. He hopes that 1937 will showan increaseduse of inechanicaldevices, fingerprints,modus operandi, scientifiolaboratoryand wireless, aad so secure 3ncreased efficiency.