Force Orders 1936_78 X No. 78. 22nd December, 1936. CIHCU TED TO AId, D {$ OF TIE CHESH 1 E CONSTABU RY. PRIS NE S DFTAIIdED Ii CELLS. V)henevera prisoner is detained in a ce11 at a Police Station,the Look-up Keeper1d 11 take steps to see that such prisoner 1s visited at intervalsnot exceeding one hour during the whole of the time he is so detained. To enab1e this to be doue it cay be necessary to alter the tour of a Constable's duty, so as to provide for a Constable being ón duty to en ble-himto ca11 at the Po1ioe Station at laast once an hour. The Constrablesshould not remain at the Police Station any longerthan is necessaryto visit the prisoner and to ake the necessary entry in the Ce11 Register. i9heneverOfficers in charge of Lock-ups find it necessaryto alter a Constable's tour of duty in order to comply with the abov e instructioiishe wi11 at once cem äate by telephonewith the Superintendentof.the Division. •