Force Orders 1936_76 X No. 76. 14th December,1936. CIBCIILATEDTO ILL RANBB OF THE CHESHIRECONSTABUTARY. YEARLYERAMINATIONOF MEMBERSOF THE FORCE. Prithreference,to GeneralOrderNo. 91 o£ the 28th December1935,the procedurelaiddown as followswill be carried out from 1st January1937. Sergeantswi11 be responsiblefor conductingthe wr ttea examinationof Constablesof theircommande. Inspectorsia chargeof sub-Divisionswi11 be responsiblefor conductiagthe writtenexaminatioaoP Sergeantso£ theirSub-Divisions,and of any Sergeantwhom the 5uperintendentdirectsshouldbe examiaedby the Inspector. The examinationquestioáswi11 continueto bé sent from Headquartersto Superintendeats.Oa1y sufficientcopiesof the modelanswerewi11 be issuedfor uee by the Officersdetailedto mark the examinationquestiona. Ae at present,suffioientcopiesof the questionsaud model answerswill be issuedfrom Headquartersfor issueto everymaa at the end o£ each month. The presentpracticeof 3eeuinga copy o£ the modelanewersfor eachman who is to do a paperwi11 ceaaefrom1st Jaauary1937. Coastables'examinationpapersafter c pletioa,wi11 be forwardedby tha Sergeantsto the Inspectorin chargeof the Sub-Division. The Inspectorwi11 mark the papers.. Ten marks. ie the maximumfor eachanswer• { henhe hae markedthe papers the Iaapectorwi11 forwardthe papersto the Superintendeat. Inspactorain chargeof Sub-Divisionswi11 also be responsiblefor markingthe examinationpapersof the sergeants servingunderthem or of any otherSergeantwhom the Superintendentordersthem to examiae. Theseexaminationpaperswi11 also be forwardedby the Inspectorto the Superintendent. In Divisionswherethere is no Inspectorthe 3uperinteadent wi11 mark the examinationpapere. . Ia additionto the particulars1a1ddown in Genral Order No. 91 of 1935,Superintendentsin theiryearlyreportsoa men will statewhen they joinedthe forceaad tha date of the last promotion. If a man is in.receiptof a speciallacrementor ; , '. No. 76 14thDecember,1936. 2 o£ an additionalincrementthe kuperintendenwtill statawhether the man continues to ahow the necessary degree of zeal and , .efficiency. Where a man is eligiblefor consideration forthe awardof a specialincrementor an additionalincrementthe kuperintendenwtill givehis opiniona to whetheror not the maa is worthyof beingconsidaredby the ChiefConstablefor thisaward. Superintendentwsi11 arrangethat thesemonthlyexaminationsaye heldoa variousdatesduringthe monthand not a11 on the eame date.. Thiswi11 avoidmen be3ngwithdrawnfrombeat duty3n largenumbers. The exanidnatidoantesmu tbe spread out duringthe firstthraeweeks of the monthas far as possible. For instancemen who completetheircurrentyear'sservicebefore the 7th of themonthmightdo theirexaminationduringthe first week,thosewho completetheircurrantyear'sserviceduringthe week ending14thof the monthm ghtdo theirexaminationbefore the 14th of themonthand so on. Thisw111 not onlysavetoo manymen beingwithdrawnfrombeat dutyat the samet ebut it will alao permitthe examinationpape eto passthrough the variouschannelato Headquartersin a eteadyflowand not in a rush. Examinationpapersmust not be delayedat Divisions.The ChiefConstablewishesthemto reachhim ia fairlyevennumbers and doesnotwishto havea largenumberon onemorningand few or aone anothermorning. kuperintendentwsi11 bave no difficultyin arrangingforthie to be done. A11 examinationpapersmust reachHeadquartersby 25th of eaohmonthto enab1ethe scalesof pay to be adjusted. The objeotofthis GeneralOrderis to spreadoutthe work overthevariousranksard to savetimewhichmay be wasted by themen havingto attendat a centrefor examinationby the kuperintendent.