Force Orders 1936_72 X No..72. Date. 25th. November 1936. TO BE,CIRCULFITEDTO SUPERINTENDENTS, 2N5PECTORSAND SERGEANTS. QIIALIFY2NG EX Pd2NATI0N FOR. PROMITION TO THE RANK OF INSPECTOR. The f llowing sergeants whose names appear hereunder in alphabetical o de±''byDivisions have passed the qualifying examination for promotï n to the rank of Irspector from the date of this General Order:- No. 187 No. 447 No: 379 No. 286 Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant A. C 1Tey. T. Davies. C. Fryer. Turner. Head Quarters. -do- -do- -do- No.62 Sergeant .. Ddoffat: Broxton. No. 343 Sergeant A.. . Wïthey. -do- No. 291 Sergeant T: Athron. Altrincham. No. 299 sergeant J. E o . -do- No. 355 Sergeant Featherstone. -do- No. 444 Sergeant F. Frasér. -do- No: 114 sergeant H. Hea1. -do- No. 395 Sergeant E. Holl ns. -do- No.16 Sergeant J. Canham. Northw ch- No. 100 Sergeant J. Henderson. W r T al. No.41 Sergeant J. R. Potter. -do- No . 460' Sergeant J. A. Taylor. -do- No. 308 Sergeant P. V7ilkes. -do- No. 192 Sergeant C. Bebbington. Dukinfield. No. 271 Sergeant B. Lindop. -do- No. 362 Sergeant T. Rogers. -do- No. 158 Sérgeant H. Thompson. -do- No. 462 Sergeant J..L1oyd. NIacclesfield_ No. 174. Sergeant C. Smith. -do.- No.2 Sergeant F. Birtles. Runcori. accordancewith Regulation31 of the Police Regulations 1920 a record wi11 be made in the records of a11 concerned.. A11 other car.didatesfailed ïn the Police Paper. The date of this failure wi11 be record'edas 4th. September 1936 the date on whïch the paper was taken. In accordance with the Regulationsan entry to thïs effect wi11 be made in the Cand date5 records. The Chïef Constable wishes to congratulatethose who have passed the examination. G.O. 72, 2. :The Chïef C nst"ablewas pleased with the satisfactory standard of knowledgeshown by the o1der sergeants. 0e • is satisfiedtheÿ aré working hard_to improve their knowledge and are setting an examplewhich the younger sergeantswould be we11 advised to follow. Those who have passed this examinationmust be careful not to`relax their efforts`tomaintain and increasetheir kndwledge..Th1s appliés'3 particularto any of the younger 5ergeantswho have passed. The monthly examinationquestïonswi11 continueto be an indicatïo of the lines along which a11 ranks should study.