Force Orders 1936_71 X No. 71. 21at November, 1936. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RAN SOF THE CHESHIRE CONSTABUL4RY. COUNTYMOTOR4EHICLES. MOTOR PATROLPERSONNEL- PATROLSCHEME- PATROLCAR,S. 0n 11thMay 1936,Motor Patrolsbecamea separateuait of the Forcecomprisedof three Sub-Section ,each Sub-Section beingunderthe supervisiono£ a Sergeant. The Sub-Sectionsare comprisedas follows .- Sub-Section- a11 Patrolsin ALTRINCIAbtDIVISION DUKINFIELDDIVISION MACCLESFIELD DIVI,9ION supervisedby a Sergeantetationadat Altrincham. Sub-Section- a11 Patrolsin NORTH rICHDIYISION CRSYrEDIV 7S20N EDDISBURYD2V2S20N BROXTOND2VISION RUNCORNDIVISION supervisedby a Sergeantstationedat Hoo1e and attachedto Headqusrters. Sub-Section- a11 Patrolsin , 4YIRRAL DIVISION supervisedby a Sergeantstationedat Heswall. Th eSergeantsare in fu11 controlof their respective Sub-Sections. Thewhola Sectionand the persoanelemployedon Motor Patroldutiesare underthe directcontrolof the Inspectorin chargeof Motor Patrolsat Haad-quartera. The In pectorin ' chargeof MotorPatrolsis responsibledirectlyto The ChiefConstable . The dutiesof the Sergeantsin chargeof Motor Patrols are the eameas otherSectionalSergeants,and theywi11 dealwith Reports,Books,Recordeetc,made by MotorPatrols,in the sanie na as any otherSectionalSergeant. No. 71. -2- These5èrgeantsare instructedto keep in touohwith superintendentsof Divisionsia whose area thairmen are operating, and to co-operatein dealingwith any suggestion,requestor complaintaf£ectingthework of Motor Patrols. WheneverMotorPatrolsare requiredto atbendCourts, Parades,Lectureseto, Superintendentswi11 informthe Sergeantin chargeof the particularPatrolsrequired,the tire,date,p] .oe and purposefor whiah Patrolsare requlred. The Sergeantwi11 arrangethe attendancéo£ the Patrolson such occasionsand the hoursto be performed. MOTOR PATROLSCHEME The PatrolSchemehas beea reorganised,and noa co p iee + Y92NTERSCALFS(Includinga systemo£ NightPoints). SIIHF+LERSCa ,RS(PatrolsconfInedto main roadsand peak hours • for trafîic). SPECIALSCALESdealingwith Holidayperiodtraffic, ChesterRace traffic, Week-endtraffic, Stoke-on-TrentHolidayweak traffic. The Schemeis workedby a ChangeKey which operatesweek- 1y. The Scalesare printedon carda,and a copy of the Scales Cardawill be issuedto a11 Superintendantsand Police8tations. TheeeScaleswi11 be kepthangingnear the telephoneat the Stationefor easy reference. Theyare suppliedwith the object of furnishinginformationrelativeto the movementsand whereaboutso£ Patrolcars, so that in casesof emergeacythe assistance of Motor Patrolsaan be obtained,or Patrolsconoentratedin a givenarea. 0n the fronto£ the Cardsthe followingparticularsare set out .- ours of patrol. . Roadsto be patrolled. ObservationPointswhere Patrolskeap obsarve.tionfor dangerousaid careleasdriving. FixedPoints,shewingtimesand Telephonenumbers. 0n the back of the Cardsa schemeof ContaotPointscoinprisedo£ FixedPoints,Placesof Ca11,and PoliceSigns is set out she o g .- Hour of Patrol, ContactPolnts, 7here situated, Methodof contact, Where fixedand Telephonenumbers. To make contactwith a Patrolat a fixedPoint,the procedure No. 71. 3 is to ring up the telephonenumbersheem on the back of the Card oppositethe FixedPointat the time shewnon the front of the card for the Patrolsto be there. To make contactwith a Patrolat a placewherehe ca11sin, the procedureis to ring up the numbershewn opposite the place of ca11,and givewhateverinstructianeit is desired to give to the personansweringthe ca11with a requestthat such personpassesthe instructionon when the Patrolcallsin. To make contactwith a Patrolby usingthe PoliceSiga, the front of tha Sca1eCard shouldbe scrutinizedto aecertain on which road the patrolie workingbetweenF cedPoints• It shouldthen be oalculatedaccordingto the time on which road or particularlengthof road the patrolis 1ikalyto be. Ring up the telephonenumbershew oppositethe ContactPoint it is intendadto use and ask the personansweringthe phoneto put out the PoliceSign,and te11 the personthe telephonenumberyou wish the patrol to ringup when he answersthe ca11 to get hie instructions. The patrolansweringthe ca11 is responsiblefor aeeing that the Sign is takendownaga afterhe has made the answering calland got his instructions. He wi11 a1so enquirethe coet of the telephonaca11 framthe proprietorof the premiseswhere the PoliceSign has been used,and wi11 pay £or same,afterwarde claimingthe coat o£ the ca11 £romthe Superintendantof the Divisionto which he is attached. The Consteb1e wi11 givehis receiptfor the amountclaimed. The emountwi11 be shewnin the DivisionalPostageBookand tha Constable'ereceiptretaiaed therein. To ensurethe successof thismeans of Contact,it shouldbe rememberedto uee a Signwe11 ahead of where the {atrol is 1ikelyto be, and so ensurethat the Sign is out when the patrolpassesit, and not use one he is 1ikelyto pase before the requestto put the Sign out has been received. ROAD PATROL CARS. Thésé-vehiclesare allottedpr5marilyfor Road Patrol purposes,i.e. the detectionand preventionof Road Traffic offences. The purposesfor which Patrolcaremay be coiozoandeered and used,also the subsequentprocedureby way of Raportshave been quiteclearlydefinedand laid down in ConferenceMinutea and previousinstructionato kuperinteodents. It shouldbe rememberedthatwhenevera patrolcar is oo u a dee ed,the motor patrolpersonnelshouldbe utilized J No. 71. - 4 - intelligently,and givenan activepart in the investigation,and not merelyused to act ae Chauffeurto othermembersof the Force eagagedon the enquiry. DETECTIVEMOTORCARS. These cars are allottedfor the use of DetectiveOfficars, and the purposesfor which theymay be usadhave been quitec1ear- 1y definedby the ChiefConst blein previousInetructions. The kuperintendentof the Head-quartersis responsible for detectivesmakingproperuse of thesevehicles. The I spectoria chargeof Motorpatrols1s responsible for the maintenance,repairsand issueo£ equipment,replacements, apa e's , etc . The SeniorDetectiveOfficerat the Stationsto which a DetectiveMotorCar or Carsare allottedis directlyrespoasible to the Inspectorin chargeof Motorratrolsthat the vehicleis drivenproperly,kapt cleaned,oi1 changed,servicedetc,at the propertimesand mileage,alsothat the Log Book is kept correctly, that properrecordsare kept of themileage,petroland oi1 consumption, and suhaittedmonthlyon the form providedfor this purpose. . It must be distinctlyunderstoodthat a11'In truct ons issuedby the Inspectorin chargeof motor patrolsrelativeto thesematters,whetherdirector throughmotor patrolSergaants, wi11 be rigidlycompliedwith by a11 concerned. MAINTENANCEOF CAR9. 'Vhenevera detectivecar requireeattention,i.e.mechanioal repairs,decarbonizing,'aewtyresetc, a Reportwi11 be forwarded to the Inspectorin chargeof motor patrolsthroughthe motor patrolSergeantin chargeof patrolsin the Divisioawhere the Detectivecar is, ao that the 5ergeantcan inspeotthe car and advisethe Inspeotorof the extentand urgencyof the repair, replacements,sparesetc. required. , The schemeof ContactPointsas outlinedin this General Orderdoes not operatein thoseDivisionswhere Y elessis installedi.npatrolcars,i.e.Vrirraland RuncornDivisions. GeneralOrderNo. 61 dated20thAagust1935 is cancelled, and wi11 be markedaceordi glywith a referenceto this Order.