Force Orders 1936_69 X No. 69. ' Date. 10thNovember1936. • TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANIB OF THE CHES IRECONSTABULARY. The ChiefConstablehas had uaderreviewthe present system.ofpayingmembersoP tha Constabularyand particularlytha delayin gattiagthe signaturesof memberso£ the Forceon the Pay Sheatsin time for thea to arriveat eadquartersfor checkingp rposesby the Wednesday fo11ow4ngthe Pay week. The ChiefConstableraalieesthat it is lmpossiblefor a 5uperintaadentof a Divieionto colleatthe whole of the Divisiontogatheron any oae day. The practiceof Superintendents handingthe pay o£ membersof thairDivisionwho might be absantfrom the Pay paradefor varibusreasoasto the 5ectionalOffioer,is also a matter whichis opeato very graveobje tiori. Underthe presentsystemtho Superintendenthas ao receipt for any moneywhich he mi.ghthand over,and againthe SeotionalOfficer has no reoeiptwhen he handsit over to the individual. The ChiefConstablehas decidedthat the followingsystem wi11 be adoptedin future :- Pay Listsdulymade out wi11 arrivaat Headquartersoa the morningof the Moadayin eachPay week. They wi11 be checkedat Headquartersand returnedto Divisionsto arrive on Wednesdaymorniag. 5toppagesfor aickaessor Misconductwi11 be enteredin arrear oa the Pay Listsfor the following£ortnightor vroekending. Superintendeatswhen handiagPay, 8pecialDuty A1lowanoe,&o., to SectionalOffioerswi11 obtaiaa receiptfor the total amounthandedover. SectionalOfficerswi11 obtainthe reoeiptof the individualoffiaeron the Pay eavelopewhen he handsthe money over. Upoa the sigaatureof the individual beingobtainedon the Pay List,F.17,or otherform,the receiptodenvelopewi11 be destroyed. In the samewa.ywhea the Superintendeatis satis£iedthat a11 doeumentsare signedhe caa destroythe receiptobtainedfrom the 5a tion .lOfficer. In orderto ensurethat the individualOffioersigasa11 the Forms on whichhis Pay, Allowances,&a., are enteredat one aad the same time,Superintendentswi11 arrange or,a11 such document to be sent togetherto a Sectionaad the SectionalOfficerwi11 seé that a11 doouments are signedbeforereturniagthem to the Superintendeat,and receipted envelopaedestroyed. Underthe above systemit wi11 not be necessaryfor , , ( 2 ) Suparintendeatsto raturnthe Pay Liststo Neadquartersuatilthey are completedin so fara eignaturesare concerned,but Buperintendeits ehouldsend the completedsheetsat the earliestpossibleopportunity. The above systemwi11 operate£or the Pay Lists&c., for fortaightending21stNovember1936,i.e.,the sheetswi11 be seat so aa to arriveat this Officeon the 16th iastant. Ia futureno vouchersof ay descriptionv .11be submittedto Headquartersat the end o£ eaohmonth or quarterunlessthey are completein so far as signaturesa dreceiptsare conoernad. r'