Force Orders 1936_68 X No. 68. Date. 10thNovember1936. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKS O TEE CHESEIRECONSTADULARY. D E P 0 5 2 T I 0 N S The Poliaeshouldbe very carefulthata depositionof their evidencecontainsan absolutelyaccurateatatementof theirevidencegivea beforethe Magistratesfor if thereis aay*omissionor error,it wi11be made the groundof croasexandnationat the trialandtend to casta doubt uponthe officer'struthfulness. A Convtable' shouldread carefullyhis depositioabeforehe signsit for the omissionoP a word or the turniagof a phraaeinaccurately writtendownmay put quitea differentcomplexionon his evidenceto that whichhe wishedto convey. It is the dutyo£ a Constableto satisfyhimeelfthathis depositionaccuratelyrecordshia evidencebeforehe signsit. If by accident'anythinigs omittedor a "tatedthe earliest opportuaityehouldbe takento correctit, eitherby recallingthewitness beforethe Magistratesor if the casehas al ëadygonefor trial,the Constableshouldinform,hiaSuperintendenwtho will informthe Counselfor the prosecutioaso thatthisadditioae.elvidencema.ybe servedoa the accused. Howeveroarelessor stupi dthe mist&cemay havebeen,it 3s of the firstimportanoethatit ehouldbe candidlyadm3tted. ThePolicemust givetheirevidencewith the strictest accuracy,for the administratioonf justioemust in a greatmeasuredepend on thetrustworthinesosf theirevidence .,