Force Orders 1936_67 X No. 67. 7th November,1936. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANI6 OF THE CHESHIRECONSTABULARY. REG20NALCYCLECLEARINGHODSE. 0n the 1st November1936,a Clearinghousefor Bicyoles w311 e'commëncedat Liverpool,by which it is believedthata largeaumberof Bicyclesreportedstolenwi11 be traced,either in possessiono£ personsin custody,or foundabandoned. The descriptiono£ a11 Bicycleswill be sent to the ClearingHousefrom C.I.D.lead-quarters. To anaurethe successof the soheme,it is essential thatwhenevera Bicycleis reportedstolen,the best desoription mu t be obta5 ed,and if hie numbercan be obtainedby further eaquiry,thismust be mada. ' The descriptionof stolénBicyoleewi11 be telephonedaa usualfor circu]ationi.nthe Dai1yInformationand the descriptioa w111 be givenas sh in thle GeneralOrder. 2f the numberof the Bicycleia not kaowawhen the particulareare tëleph ned,and it is thoughtthat it me.ybe obtained by furthereaquiry;this wi11 be statedin the meesage, and particularawi11 not be aent to the Clearing.Housefrom C.I.D. ead-quartereuntilthe resultof the furtherenquiryis received. 2t ie importantthat tixenumbersof Bicyclesshouldbe obtainedif possible,aad in caseswhere the ocrnplainaatdoes not lmow it, the Agent or Makermay be ab1e to eupplyit. Y7henevera reportis receivedof a Bicyclebeingfoundor the Policefind a Bicycle'aimndoned,the descriptionoP the Bicycle w311'betelephoaedto C.I.D.Head-quartersin the fo11ow1ngorder, viz:- . . Numbar,Pdake,Distinctivefeatures,Lady'sor Geat's,Frame, wheels,Colour,Handlebars,'Pedal ,Tyres,Saddle,Brakes, SpeedGear.Datereported,date stolenor date found.