Force Orders 1936_66 X No. 66. 6th November,1936. C2RCOIATEDTO ALL RANRBOF THE CHESHIRE CONSTABUTARY. ARMISTICEDAY - 11THNOVEI&kER,1936. Pdithregardto the observa.nceof the "twominutessilence" on ArmisticeDay, it ia my wish that a11 rankawill observethe two minutesof quietwithoutmovement,and further,each individual membarof the Forcewi11 use his personalinfluenceto induce othersto do the same. Thereis no objeationto a Canstablewho is on beat or patrolduty and is standingsteadyfor the two minutesholdingup his hand to pedestriansor driversoP vehicleswho me.ybe movingin forgetfulnessof the occasion. This signalis to be adoptedfor the guidanoeof the publicand Constableswi11 uee their oo on senseand discretionin the natter. CONS * !.!/-36 « c s