Force Orders 1936_65 X No: 65. 2d November, 1936. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANRS OF TOE ;CHFSHIRECONSTABULARY. STATIONOFFICE FILING . • With a view to providiaga uaiFormsystemof filiagat Stationsthroughoutthe Foroea11 booke and dominate at Statioaswill be arrangedas aet out ia the attaohedlistwhichwi11 be regardedaa SupplementNo.1 to thie GeneralOrder. For the purposeof this Orderthe term STATIONmeans :- A ruralbeat on which there is a residentConstable,who is responsiblefor the supervisionof that beat even thoughhe lives ia a privatehouse. Sergeantsin chargeof Seotionseven thoughthe 11v e in privatehousesprovidedthey do not camewithincategory(ii3. The officeused in a tovmwhere thereara more Sergeants than one. It will be observedthatthe test is thatwhere a Beat Report is requlredto be kept in aoaordancewith GeaeralOrderNo.53 o£ 1936 a filiagsystemmust also be ia existence. The offioerresponsiblefor maintainingthe filï.ngeystem wi11 bi the resideatConstableon ruralbeat,aad in townsor seotioas the Sergeant,aad at plaoeewheirethereare more uniformSergeentsthan ona the aenioruniformSergeant. The Stationfileswi.11be made up Prom the booksd documents issuedto the Of£ioerreeponsiblefor maintainingthe filin?eystem. As a11 the itemsmentioned(exceptthoseshownin braokets)have alreadybeea issuedand shouldbe ia possessionof a11 ooaoernedit is merelya matter o£ arrangiagthem in the orderindioated. V4heathey have been so arranged an iásueof suitablef11eswi11 ba made to thoaeConcerned. Officersin chargeo£ Stations( as definedabove)will render . a reportto theirSuperintendeatsto reach themon or beforefirst poet on 10thNovember1936 thatthey have arrangedtheirfies as set out ia.this Order. If aay itemsare deficient(exc®ptauoh e ar`emarked"To be issued0) theywill state.iatheirreportswhat th®ee itemsare. Superintendente will rendera reportto reaohthe ChiefConstableby firatpost on 12th November1936 statingthat theyare eatiafiedthe files at a11 Stationein th®irD3visionehave een mede up. Theywi11 also statewhetherthere ere any defioienoies,what thesedeficienciesa e, and at what 8tations. The questionof the replacemento£ missingitemswi11 é consideredby the Chief Constableoa reoeiptof thesereports. It muet be borne ia mind by 41 conaernédthat the questioaof completefilesis aa importaatone as after receipto£ reportsto the effeotthat a11 offioefilesare ocmpleteand in good orderthe station Offioerin futurewi11 be held responsiblefor defioienoesor damage. Advantageshouldthereforebe takennow by thosewho wish to have e.ny deficienciesmade good. • •