Force Orders 1936_65 SU X GeneralOrderNo.65of 1936. SUPPLEMENTNo. 1. The booksand documentswillbe arrengediiithreesections. These'viiibe (i) SECTIONA. (ii)SECTIONB. (iii)SECTIONC. CONTE TSOF SECT20NA. A. 1. GeneralOrders, 2.(1) StandingGeaeralOrders. 2.(2) CattleGeneralOrders. 3.(1) CiroularMemoranda. 3.(2) bztructionallemoreada(otherthan Investigatioonf Crime) .(3) Year1yExamiaatioaPapersandMod®1Auswers. ChiefConstable'Msoathly,InstruotionMaelmoraadaon the 2aveatigatio of Crimeaad Iadextherefor. ' Minutesof SuperintendentsC'on£erenoeasnd Indextherefor. 6. BeatReport. 7. Voters1Register(Tobe issuedin due ooursefromHeadquarters) - 8.(1) DutySoales. 8.(2) RailwayVParranta- Policeaud CrownForces(Notissuedto Constable's 5tations) 8.(3) Miscellaneous Ordersto Statlon. 8.(4) StationInventory(Tobe issuedin due coursefromHeadquarters) 8.(5) $eatRecordof work. " 8.(6) MiscellaneousCattleOrdera. .9.(1) SoientificAid Pamphlet.. 9.(2) FireProtectionPamphlet.. Bye Laws. 9.(4) HighwayCode. 9.(5) Memorandumon Lightingof RoadVehioles. 9.(6) Air RaidPrecautionsHandbook'a dI struotioa . 9.(7) TrafficSignals. 9.(8) AoadTrafficAccideatReports - Miaistryof Transport Instructions for compiling. . 9.(9) Inventoryof PersonalKit,d wleats &o., (Tobe iasuedia due ' coursefromHeadquarters). 9.(10) .. WI'flWRRWN. . 9.(11) PhotographA1 um. 9.(12) Miscellaneous Ordersto everyman. 10. DivisionalOtd,,iS'usperiatende t'Oarders. 11, Lock• 4 , p e w p .- e o d,o}, . The fo11ow1ngbookswi11be placed in SeotionA afterthe above files. Thebóokswi11not ba numbereda- Postagebooks - Cattleand ordinary. ._ .' OccurrenceBdoks(Thesedo not applyto Constable'statioas) ParadeBooks.(Theseon1yapplyat Stationswhere suohbooksare at presentin use) Visitsto LioencedHousesBook (Thisdoeanot applyto Coaatable'sStationa) „ CattleHandbook(large) Thisappliesoalÿtö Sergeant'sStatione) Visitors'Books(ueed)- currentoae oa desk. ! TelephoneMessagebooks (used) - ourrentoneby telephone. ADDITIObIk. q. A. 8. (7). lit of Petty Beodonal D1 ialone 8. (B).Yome Office Memorandwn on Firearms dot. 1937. 8. (9).Police Regu tion . . G.O. 21/38. G.O. 21/38. G.O. 8/39. . 12. dir PrecautionsFi1e. G.O. 33/38. . 13. dir Raid PreoautionsCireulare. G:O. 34/38. GeneralOrder 06 .65 of 1936. SUPPLE HTNo. 1 (Cont3nued) CONTENTSOF SECTIONB. B. This part will containa11 ÇattleDiseaseSt&tioneryplaced • ae £ar as possiblein DiseaseOrder. Thispartwi11 conta3na11 Road Tra£fioStatioaeryplaceda far as posslblein alphabeticalor numerioalorderaccording to how the forms are aumIered. Thie partwill containgeneralstationeryplaoedas far ae poesiblein alphabeticalor numerilcalorderaccordingto how the formsare numbered. - Crimestatioaeryis not to be includedin SectionB. Provieionis made for it to be filed in SactionC. AIl theseformswi11 be arrangedaa neatlyas possible. CONTENTSOF SECTIONC. C. 1. PoliceGazetteaaud Supplements 2. PoliceReports. 3. . Daily, f t . 4, ForeigaRoutes. 5. SectioaCrimeRecord(Copiesof . DischargedPrisoner List. FingerPrintOutfit. F3ngerPrint forma(blaak) C.I.D.Forms 1 and 2(blank) C.I.D.Stationery- blaak forms ) GeaeralOrderNo.64of 1936 ) 1aysdown the raleafor ) keepingthese. ) C.I.D.1) - (Doesnot affect Coastables) (Doesaot affectConstable') (Lock-upStatioasoaly) otherthan C.I.D.1 and 2. The followingbookswi11 be placedin SectionC afterthe above files. Thesebookswill not be numbered. PreviousCoavicti nBook. (Doesnot applyto Coaetablés) Body ReceiptBook.) ` Bai1 Book. '.) Applicableon1y to Lock-upBook.) Lock-upStations. Ce11 Registers(used)- currantbook in ce11 passage) Bib1eaud Oath Cards (Applicableon1y to Stationsapprovedas occasionalCourtHouses)