Force Orders 1936_64 X No. 64. s 7th October,1936. CIRCULATETDO ALLRANK B OF THE CHESHIRECONBTA.BUL&RY. POL2CEGAZETTE,POLICEREPORTS,DAILY I YFOR d&TI0N8 AND FOREIGN ROUTES. The lengthoP timefor whichthe aboveneedbe kept hae receivedthe oonsideiation of the ChiefConstable. In futurethe fo1l v'i ignatruotioawei11 be oompliedwith .- DIVISIONAHLEAD-QUARTERS. POLICE GAZETTES AND SUPPLEMENT3. Inaccordancewith arrangementsbeingmadethes®will be boundseparately. Peadingbinding,Gazettesand kupplemeotsw111 be kept eeparately. The systemof fllingwi11 be in date order by yeareto facilitatehaadlingand quickreferenoe. WESTRIDINGPOLIC REPORTS. The samearrangementsaa in the case of PoliceGazettee w311 be made. DAII,Y INFORMATION . A11 Dai1yInformat ona £or periodend®d30th5eptember, 1935,will be destroyedfo w i• Ia future12 completemonths of Dai1yInformationsin additioato the.currentmonthwi11 ba filed at Divisionallead-quarters. For emmple on 1st Novmnber1936, Da11yInforxratiofnoor October1936wi11 be destroyed,aad oa ist December1936,Da 1ÿInformations for November1935wi11 be deetroyed. No. 64. 2 FOREIGNROUTES. A11 foreigarouteafor per3odended31st March1936,wi11 be destroyedforthwith. In futuresix oompletemonthsforeign ; routeswi11 be kept in additionto th® u e tmonth. For example . foreignroutesfor Apri11936wi11 be deatroyedon 1st November, 1936,and for }day1936 oa 1et Deoember,1936. SECTIONS. POLICEGAZETTESAND 3UPPLEMENTS. . A11 PolioeGazetbeaand Supplementsat 5eationsfor the periodpriorto 1et Ootober1935,wi11 be deatroyedforthwith. The policyin futurewi11 be to keep twelveoomplete maathsGazettesand Supplementein additionto the ourrentQuarter. Thiswi11 mean that at eaoh SectionalStationtherewill be four completeque.rtereand the ourrentcquarter. At the end of eachquarterthe firstof theaecompleted 4: quarter'sGazettesand supplementsw111 be deetroyed,for example on let January1934,a11 Gazetteeand Supplementswi11 be destroyed for the quartereaded 31stDecember1935. On ist Apr31 1937 a11 Gazettesand supplementsfor the quartereaded 31etMaroh 1936wi11 be deatroyed. 0n 1et Ju1y 1937,a11 Gazettesand Supplementa £or the quarterended30th Juae1936,wi11 be destroyed. Od 1et Ootober1937a11 Gazetteeand Supplementsfor the quarter ended30th September1936will be destroyed. Thie ie the eystem whichmust be contjnued. Y No. 64. WEST RID2NGPOLICEREPORTs. A11 Weet RidingPoliceReportsat 5ectionsfor the period priorto 1at October1935,wi11 be deetroyedforthwith. The aameprocedurewi11 be followedaa ia the case of the PoliceGazette. DAILY INFORMàTIONS. A11 Dai1yInforme.tionspriorto 1et Apri1 1936,wi11 be destroyedforthwith. In futureaix completemonthsoP Dai1y 2nformationein additionto the currentmonthwill be filede.t SectionalStation . For eaampleon 1et November1936,the Dai1y Informationsfor Apri1 1936,wi11 be destroyed. 0n 1st December 1936,the Dai1y Info tioae£or Way 1936,wi11 be destroyed. 0 FOREIGNROIITES. A11 foreignrouteefor the periodpriorto lit September, 1936,wi11 be destroyedforthwlth. 2a futureone completemonth's foreignroutesw311 be kept in additionto the curreatmonth. For exempleforelgnroutesfor september1936will be deatroyedoa 1et November1936,and those for October1936,wi11 be destroyedoa 1et December1936. . The word Sectionmuat be readaa includinga Sergeaatwho livesin a privatehouee. CONSTABLE'SRURAL STATIONS. POLICEGAZETTESAND SIIPPLEMENTS. At ConstablesStatioaswhere the above are received,a11 PoliceGazetteaand Supplementsfor the periodpriorto 1at Apri1 1936 No. 64. -4 will be destroyedforthwith. The policyin futurewi11 be to keap six complotemonthsGazettesand kupplementsia additioato the curreatquarter. For exampleGazettesend Supplementsfor i the quarterended30th June1936,wi11 be destroyedon ist Jaauary 1937. Gazetteeand Suppleaentafor the quarterending30th september 1936w311 be destroyedon ist Apri1 1937. WESTRID] TG POLICE REPORTS. The samerule appliesto the '7estRidiagPolioeReporte. DAILYÍNFORMBTÍONS. A11 Dai1y Iaformatloasfor the periodprior to 1st Ju1y 1936, wi11 be deatroyedforthwith• In futurethree oompletemoatheDaily Iußormationsw311 be kept ia additionto those for the ourraatmonth. For example,Dai1y In£ormationefor Ju1y 1936,wi11 be destroyedon 1et November,1936,aridthosefor Auguet1936,wi11 be deetroyedoa 1st December,1936. FOREIGNROUTES. A11 foreignroutesEor the periodpriorto 1et September, 1936,wi.11be destroyedforthwith. In futureone completemonth's foreignrouteswi11 be kept in additïonto tha currentmonth. For e ample 5eptm e 1936, foreign routae wi.11 be destroyed oa ist Noveaber 1936,and October1936,foreignrouteewi11 be destroyedoa let December,1936. i INDIYIDIIdLOFFICERS. Dai1y Informationsin possessionaf ind3v3dualOff3cere, includingSergeantsaad Conatablesoa Townbeats,will be destroyed up to and including31stAugust1936. Ia futuretheywill keep No. 64. 6 Dai1y Informationefor one completemonthand the ourrentmonth. For exampleoa ist November1936,the Dai1y Informationsfor September1936,a111 be deetroyedaad on 1st December1936,the October1936 Dai1y Informationewi11 be destroyed. GENERALREMAREk. The BectionalSergeantwill be responeible£or ensuring that a oopy of the Dsi1yIn£ormationis kept for the requiredperlod 1a the Stationfi1e,and alao Po11oeGazetbesaad Weet RidingReporba. A11 papersmentionedwi11 be destroyedby fire. Care wi11 be takento ensurea11 o1d Informati n etc,whichmay have been etoredaway axe destroyedso that noue of the dooumentereferredto are kept afberthe ti limitfor their destruation. Super3ntendeatewi11 readara reportto the ChiefConstable to reachthis Offioeby firstpoet oa 17th Ootober1936, that they are satisfieda11 documentsorderedto be destroyedforthwith have been ao destroyed. The DivisionalHead-quartersGazettesaad Supplemeate,R'eet RidingReports,Dai1yInformatloasand ForeignRoutes,will be the respoasibilityof the SeniorOfficerof the Divisional Head-quarters,and at those D vieioaewhere no C.I.D.Officersare etationedthe DivisionalC1erkwill b® responsible. Where C.I.D.reoordeare maintainedat preeentat placea 1a addltioato Divisionalead-quarters,suohae at Sa1e and Nerr Ferry,the C.I.D.Offlcerin chargewill maiatainhie recordeae far as possibleon the aame lineaae the Divisional Read-quarters. A eingleC.I.D.Officerattaohedto a oommand will re1y of the recordskept at the SectionalStatioa,and so will No. 64. s dealwith the Gazetteseto inthe samemanneras a uaif Cons6able. Itmustbe c1earlyunderatoodthatwherethereare C.I.D. Officersat DivisionalHead-quarterethe seniorSergeantof the uaiformbraachwillbe respansiblfeor the ma .ntenancoef the reoorde 4 _ usedby the ua1£ormmeaiwho ocm p iatehe towa aeot3oae. Theaeare the reaorde"t apart£or the paraderoomand the poe3tioaia suoh oaaee1e the eameaa an ordiaarySeotion. The rulesapplicableto kectionsthua applyin auchoasesand not the rulesapplloableto Di ia oaalHead-quartere. C.I.D.Officerswi11makea reoordo£ aay photographs in the Po11oeGazetteorWest RidingPoliceRaportswhlchthey considerworthpreservingandwhen the tIne drawsaear for oopieeof euchdooumentsto be destroyedby Statloneor Bectionstheywill orderthe psrteof the Gazetteor Reportsthey.requireto be sent - - to themby the Constablesor Sergeantsooncernediasteadof b®ing destroyedwith the remaindaroP the doouments. The DivisiocalC1erkwi11 be responsibleforthis in Divisionswhlchhaveao Head-quartere. In a11 casesoarewi11be takento eneurethatPolice Gazetteeaad the variouskupplementsare filedseparately. .