Force Orders 1936_62 X N.. 62. 21st 5eptember,1936. CTRCIILATEDTO ALL RANRS OF THE CHES IBE CONS' ABU!ARY. PERSONSDETaINEDIN OSPITAIS. In a recentcasewherea personwas detaiaedin a hospitalit has beeaascertainedthat no lessthan four Police 0f£icers.rangup the residentDoctorasking£or the seme information, and in orderto obviateHospitalAuthoritieebelagrung up more than onoe on a particularquestion,the followinginetructionewi11 be observed .- When a personis detainedin a hoepïtal1n a caeoia chick proceedings'arecontemplatedor pendinga11 enquiriesregardingthat pereoawi11 be mad from Headquartersat Chester,and thoseconceraad who require3a£ormatioaon the matterwi11 obtainit Prmm Headquarters. 2a a11 othercaees(inoludingmotor o££ences),enquiries from the hospitalwill be me.deby the DivisionalSuperintendeator n Of£icerauthorisedby him. Thisprocedurewi11 obviatethe hospitalbeing telephoned to by more than one Officer. Theream.ybe caseswhere pi'oceedingsare contemplatedor pendi.agwhen it will be more convenientfor some Offioerotherthan fr® - Headquartersto m ke the enquiry,ia such casesthe'Superiatendent ehouldrequ stauthorisation£romHeadquartersfor that procedureto be followed.