Force Orders 1936_60 X iI o. 60. 14th $epteniber,1936. CIRCULgTEDTO ILL RAN B OF THE CHESHIRE CONkTABULA1{Y. With referenceto GeneralOrder No. 54 of 21st August1936,regardingthe examinationo£ a cay aftera fatal accidentor otheraccldeatby ConetableBartleyaad Civilian mechanicWi111ams. In such casesth® Constablereportiagthe accident is to be preeent'at the examinationand whorea vehicleii fit Por a roadtest,the oernershouldbe askedto be preseat,ao that his permissioncan be obtainedto take the car on the road for a test or his consentobtained.