Force Orders 1936_59 X No. 59. 12thSeptember,1986. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RaN SOF THE CRESH2RE CONS'1'ABUL91iY. FORM C.I.D.2. • Ciroulatioaof Crimeon Dai1y Information, PoliceGazett®and/orPoliceReporte. The ChiefCoaatabledireotethat Superiate lentswin, when sulzuittingForm C.I.D.2,see that the spacesprovidedoa the Form for the referenceto the circulationon Dai1y Iaformation PoliceGazette,and PoliceReporteare filled3n on both copiee. The particularsof Crimewill oontiaueto be forwarded for lneertioaia Po11ceGazetteaad/orPoliceReportefrom C.I.D. Headquarters,aad a oopy of the informe.tionsentwill be forwarded to the Divisionooncernedto be filedwith Form C.I.D.2. Should this copy be receivedby Superinteadeats,aad the partioularsof the Crimedo not appearin the appropriatepublication,the space oa Form C.I.D.2,will be marled 'Notpubliehed.' If Superintendentedo aat receieethe form,theywi11 assumethat the particularshava not been forwardedfor publioatioa and the spaceTi11 bé left blank. In thoseDivisionswhere•theraia a C.I.D.,theywi11 be responsiblefor the eatriesbeingmade correctly. In those Divisions wherethere is ao C.I.D.the DivieionalOfficeC1erkwill be reepoaeible.