Force Orders 1936_58 X No. 58. 0th 5eptember,1936. CIRCULATEDTO ALL RAN S OF THE CIEkHIlE CONSTABTTlA$Y. Referringto licitesof Superintendeate'Confereace held on the 22ndMay 1936,the ChîefConstablehae forwardedto Divieionea eupplyof FingerprintForms to enablee erymember of the Conet bularyto furnishhis fingerprints£or the iaformatioaóf the FingerpriatDepartmeat. Theeewi11 be filedseparatelyat Headquartersand it wi11 then not be necessaryfor Superiatendent to submit the fingerprintsof Conetableevisitingthe eceaeof a crime, but it wi11 be euf£ioient,when a fingerprintfoundat the ecene o£ a orimeie forwardedfor search,to statethe name and number a£ the Constablespresentor xho have had accessto the artioles on which the fingerprintswere foiind. Oocupiers'printswill ati11be required. The fingerprintsof any membero£ the Conetabulary leavingthe Force,will be returaedto him at hie request,and if no such requeetia made,wi11 be déstroyedat Headquarters. EveryConstablewill eignhie FingerprintFormwith his aame and number. . . Seotional0ffjeerswi11 be responeiblefor seeingthat tha fingerprintsare takencorrectly. Thefingerpriatsof new Entrantsto the Foroe'viiibe takanat Headquartere,xhen they are aUotted to Divisione. The oompletedformswi11 be returnedto Vead-guarters, FingerPriat Departmeat,oa or before1st Ootober,1936.