Force Orders 1936_57 X No. 57. 9th September,1936. ' CÏRCIILATEDTO AI,LRAN%3 OF THECHESHIRECONSTABULARY. P R 0 M 0 T I 0 N.S. The foilowingOffiaeris promotedto the raak oY Iaepectorfromthe 1et October1936,at £320 per anrnzm :- No. 92 SergeantThomaePARKER,NorthwichDi leioa.. The folloeingOffloer1s promotedto the r nk oP Sergeantfrom 1st October1936,at £$. O. 0. perweek .- No. 207ActingSergeantWalterCAB iVRIGHT,Altrincham Diii'ion. The follooingOffioeris promotedto the raak oP ActiagSergeantfrom 1et October1936,at £4. 17. 6d per week :- No. 259 ConetableJohn JoeephGERTREY,RunaornDiyision.