Force Orders 1936_55 X No. 55 Date. 27thAuguet1936. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RAN&S OF THE CHESHIRECON51'ABIILARY. AIR RAID PRECAIITIONS. • The ChiefCoastableiatimatesfor the information of the CoastabularythatNo.51bSergeantLRogers and No.460 5ergeantJ.A. Tay1orhave receatlyatteadeda coursein Air Raid PreoautionaryMeasuresat the VorneOfficeCivilianAnti-GasSchool, Falfield,Glouoester,aad have qualifiedas FirstC1aes Inetruato s. The ChiefConstablecannotstresstoo graatlythe importanoehe attacheeto ouchmeaeuresaad he direotethat every memberof the Forcewi11 undergoa courseof instructionunderoae or othe'rof the Instructorsas soon as poss ble. Centresfor instructionalpurposeshave beea establishedat variousPolice5tat oncin the Countyas follows:- 1: E1le merePort 2, Northwich Aktrinohan Duki Pield 5, Maoolesfield 6. Crewe r ame of Instructor. No. 460 SergeantJ.A.Taylor -do - No. 515 SergeaatW.Rogers. -do - -do - -do - Leoturesw311 be givenin the CourtRoom at each Btation,with the exceptionof Crewe,where auitableaccommodation has ati11to be arraaged. Duringthe sittingof a Court uperintendeat wi11 providealternativeaccommodationfor the lecturesat the Stationsnamed. The periodof•instructioafor each coursewi11 be 27 hours. The tir.ewi11 be spreadover 9 daya in sessionsof 3 hours duratioa. Therewill be ao lecturesgivenoa Saturdaysor Suadays. It is proposedthat 2 classeswi11 be held each day, the objeatof this beingthat shoulda man detailedto attendthe morniagcoursebe uaableto atteadon any morningor moraings,through the exigenciesoP Policeduty,arrangementsmay be made for him to attendthe afternooncourseon that particularday or days. The ChiefConstabledrawsthe attentioaof the Forae to the fact that the lecturesto bo given are largelybaaedoc the • 2 Air RaidsPrecautionsHandbookNo. 2 which waa issuedto the Force in August1935,aad a laiowledgeof thisbook wi11 assistmaterially at the em m ationwhichwi11 be held at the end of eachoouree. This e + 5mtioawi11 be conductedoa the foflowing linee:- Practicaleaaminat on 2 hours. Ora1 - do - 1 hour Vlritten - do - 2 hours The ChiefConetablewi11, from time to time,inform kuperintendentsof the numbersof inenfrom theirDivisioaswho will attendthe variouscourees. The £irstcourseswi11 commenceon Monday31stAugust 1936 at Altrinchamaad E1lesmerePort raepectively. Membersof the Force,otherthanC.I.D.Of£icere,wi11 attendia uaiform. In additionto membersof the CheshireConstabulary iastruotionwi11 a1so be givento membersof the follov ngCity and BoroughForcesin Chediireat the Centresaamed above:- ChesterC3ty Police. StalybridgeBoroughPolice. Hyde BoroughPolice. MacolesfieldBoroughPolice. CoagletonBoroughPplioe. The ChiefConstablastresseathe necessity£or each memberof the CheshireConstabularyapplyinghimselfwholeheartedly to the studyo£ Air Raid PrecautionaryMeasureeso that in the event of a 'e ergèa yha wi11 be ab1e;not oalytc carryout his duties efficiently,but wi11 also be in a positionto affordthe protection that is aéceesaryfor the safetyof his own £amilyand the publiq generally.