Force Orders 1936_53 X No. 53 Date. 29th Ju1y,1936 TO BE CIRCIILATEDTO ALL 8ANK5OF TBEE CAESHIRECONkTAIOLARY BEAT R E P 0 R T S Sufficientcopieso£ blankBeat R®portaare being issued to eaohDivisioaalHeadquartersfor the ieeueof oae to each Rura1beat, one for each Townbeat and one epareoopy to be inaludedin the o££io® f11esof eaoh DivisionalHeadquarters,where it will be kept ia blankae a recordo£ what the beat reportat Stationsoontaias. A"Rura1 Beat"ie a beat on whioh thereie a reeideat Constable,lvho1s responsible£or the supervisionof that beat. A"Toum beat"for the purposeof a"beat report°means an area supervisedby a numberof inea. 2t doeaaot referto a area patrolled 5 aa individual Coastable,for InstanceA7.trinohamTown,Crewe,Northwioh,Sa1e,Ellesmere 1'ort,Hoo1e,and eimllarplaceswill be regardodes oae beat. Super3ntandenteshouldensuiethat when a11 the reports havebeen completedit wi11 m aa, in effect,that the whole oP their respectiveD1vialonsUas been surveyed. L This is an lmportantpointaad if Superiatendenteare aoare of aay gaps le£t surveyodthey are to reportthe matterwithoutdelay. The beat reporteare more or less eelf explanatory. They shouldbe compiledas neatlyas possiblo. The indexis sufficiently comprehensivefor speedyreferencepurposes. The nformat onrequired to compilethe reportsis suchthat 1te aolleotionis aot 1ikelyto eatail muoh ealxawork. The greaterpart o£ it ie the lud of 3a£ormationan efficlentConetableintereatedin hie beat alreadyk wa. Themaia objeot of the oolleotiono£ this iafo mat oaie to have aa eaeilyavailablereoord of suchinformatlonas ie likelyto be o£ va1ueto aa in-comingor visiting Coastable. It is essentialthat the informationis kept up to date. Cha gee,as they ocour,or come to the aotioeof tho Constableconcerned, will be neatlymade. The offloerresponsiblefor keepingthe beat report up to datewi11 be the reeidentConstableia a rura1beat,and in tamisthe Sergeant,or wherethereare more than one Sergeantthe seniorSergeant. 0n 1st Januaryand 1st Ju1y eaahyear Sergeantsw311 report to thelrSuperintendentsthatthey have Inspectedthe beat reportaof their reepeotiveo aadeat leaatoncea month amd ar® satis£ieda11 beat reports are kept up to date. The dato oP suohmonthlyinspectionewill be 2 i'ioordedby the Sergeant in theirdiarles. Thiswill avoidlieeping separatereoords. Thereie nothingto preveatbeat reportaof the whole 5eot3onbeingexaminedat the s metime, for instanceat a SeationalLeotura, or whilemen are aseembledPor pay or dr 11. ' Sergeants,ao doubt,will . mak arrangementsmost su3tableto themselves. Oa 7th Januaryand 7th Ju1y eachyear, 5uperintendaatswi11 reportto Headquartersthatthey are aatisfiela11 beat reportai.nthe3r respectiveDiviaionsare tieptup to date - 'i'?honthesereportsa e rondered to Head Quartersby Superintendéatsthe reportaby Sergoantashouldthenbe destroyedat Div3aionalOffices. When a Constableis postedto a new Stationhis Sergeaatwi11 go throughthe beat reportwith him. One moathlaterthe Sergeantbyquestions wi11 e tiefyhimselfthe Constablehas aa intelligentknowledgeof the beat report. Both the Constableaad the kergeantvri11entoria thelr respective d3ariesthe faats o£ suoh instruotionaud test. Thiswill safeguardthe Sergeeatin the evento£ the Coxïstableeubsequeatlybeiag fouadigaoraatof the contentsof the beat report. Oa being postedto a now StatlonSergeants will be expeotedto have an intelligentImowledgeof the beat reportafter a month. It is the iateatlonof the ChiefCoastableon visitingbeats to test for himselfoa such visitsthe va1ueoP the beat reportsto visit3ag oSfioore. Instructionswill be issuedfromHeadquartersPrcn time to time for the Conetableor Sergeant,ae th® casemay be, to have with h1m the beat report1a ordér thatthe ChiefConstablemay test for hims lfthe valueoP the beat reportto aayonevisitingthe diatrlot.. On such 000aaioaa,the Sergeaator Constablewi11, of oourse,have suftio3eatbeat knowledgeamd alao of the reportiteelfto eaableh3m to aaewerquestionson 1ooa1]mow].edge or po3atsof interestwtthoutthe a1d of the.beatreport. On such occasions alao thé ChiefConatablehopes so furtherusefulsuggestionsmay be forthooming. As a matteroP iaterestit is pointédout that the beat reportin 1te preseatform has beea testedout in two beatsin the County. As aow issued 3t iaoludesmany usefulsuggestloasput forwardas a reeultof this teat. In the oompilationoP the beat reportsit shouldbe borae in mind that whereheadlagsare g3ven,which do aot affeota partioularbeatnothing will be enteredoa thosepagee. Obviouslyif, at some fu6uredate,these headingsdo applythea aa appropriatoentrywillbe made. Ia eome Townbeats for i.astance,theremay be ao °BoarKeepers"or "FirearmDealera" so i.nsuch casesthe pageaconcernedwi11 remainblaak. Similarlyin ruralbeatsmuoh that applleato townbeatswi11 aot apply. The questionof includingia the beat reporta reaordof arlminalsor suspectedpersonsres3denton the baat is cae whichthe Chiet Constableis givingfurtherconsideration.. Intelligentlyaompiledthesebeat reportsahouldproveof great va1ue. Iatelligeatexplanatoryaotesfor guidaaoewill increasethelr usefulnessto 3acomingoffioers. ; $ The beat reportis a aoafidentialdooument. It xi11 be kept 1a aefeaustodybut at the eme t3me it must be readilyavailableto a11 offioers. Sergee tewill enaouragethe men to studythe beat reportaaad enaurethey are cooversantwith thelr contentsad parbicularlywith a11 matarlalchangea. . In ruralbeats the beat reportwi11 be kept by the Constable with h1s othsroff1o1a1papera. In the aolleotioaof some of the necessaryinformatioain tamis beat mea may be employed. By doing eo it will inoreasetheir1ooa1k ledga as we11 as epeedingup the aolleotionof the requiredlnformation. Some of the informatioaca11sfor tac-tand discretion3a its colleot3on.Sergeantswi11 be held strictlyresponsiblethat discreetmea are employedin towaecollectingsuoh information'asthat required1n connectionwith aliens,Chemists,L3oeasedhouses,1odglags. 7Pithragard to Po11t1ca1Extremists(page56) Sergeantaonlye 11 dealwith thla item if a q enquiles are necessary. In very few instancesshoulddlreot eaquirlesbe neoessary. IIaderao circumstanceswill dlrect'enquirlesbe made aboutaliensor Polltioaleat om . Thoseresponsiblefor the fi111ngin of the beat reportsare remindedthat the reportsare so boundthat the pageacan be removedfor typ3ng,1f necessary,aad ee.eilyrepla sdafterwards.It will be obaerved t at ia aome instancestwo or more pageaare provldedas in certainplaces more spacemay be aeeded. If aeoeasaryadditionalpageeoaa be obtainedfrom Head Quartere,or typadby the mea themselves.Wherefrom aumerouealterations aay pagesbeoomedifficultto reada freehlytypedpage shouldbe inserted aad the o1d paga shoarnto the Sergeantand then destroyed. Any pointsoP doubtor diffloultyin coamectionwith the aompllatioaof beat reportsmay be referr®dto the ChiefC1erkat Head Quart®rs. Theseeaquiriesmay be made direot. fiveryaasistaaoewi11 be givenin pointsof doubt. A11 beat reportsthroughoutthe Countyare to be completed by 1st September1936. S per nteadentawill renflera reportto the Chief Constabl®by firstpost oxi4th September1936tba-ta11 beat reportshave beea oompletedaad thatthey are satisfiedthe whole of theirreepeotive Divisions ae been surveyed. The ChiefC stablewi11 call for beat reportsProm variousplaiesthroughoutthe Couatyin orderto asaertain whetherthey have been oorrectlyfilledin. The plaoeaodnoernodwi11 be notlfiedto Divieionexhe the beat reportahave been completed. Buperintendent are advisedto studythesebeat reports sincemuoh va1uableiaformatloawi11 be availableia them - information whichwould otherwiseentailconsiderabletime aad labourto collectat ehortnotioe. T A11 rankea o remindedt at thesebeat reportsform part of a purelyCheshireSchemeo£ Fora Reoorde. Theirco-operationis lavited in the compilationoP a record,w 3chwi11 pxrobablyproveae usefulae 1t ia unique3a Polioereoordein thisCountry.The ChiefConetableia ooa£ideatthat nachman will cheei'ullyplay hie ov importantpart ia the compilationof thia 'zePu1 reaord,& reoordwhiohat some time or another ahouldprove of serviceto thm a11.