Force Orders 1936_51 X No. 51. 20th Ju1y,1936. TO BE CIRCULATEDTO ALL RANKS 0F THE CRESHIRECONSTAHULARY. POLICE D 0 G s. w**w**ww*ww*ww* Referriagto GeneralOrderNo. 77 dated 11thNovember, 1935,t e ChiefConstablehae sanctionedthe paymentoî licence duty and the a11ovnoe o£ £5 par annum,payableQuar6erly,to the undermentionedmemberof the Force,who is in poesessionof a dog whichhas been inspectedby the Chie£Constableand found to fulfilthe neceasaryrequirements .- ALTRINCNAAiDIVISION - No. 90 ConstableRobertEdwarde Stationedat Tab1ey.