Force Orders 1936_49 X No. 49 Date. 16th Ju1y 1936. TO BE CIRCIIL9TEDTO ALLRANSS OF THE CHESHIRECON TABULBRY QUALIFY7NGE%AMINATIONFORPROMOTION TO THE RANg OF SERGEANT The follovdngCoastablee,v oaenam®aappearhereunderlxx alphabeticalorderby Divisions,have passedthe quallfyiageaaminatioa for promotioato the ank of Sargeaatfrom the date of this General Order:- Wo. 69 A.E.Billiagtoa Head Qaarters No. 10 J.R.G.Huater -do- No. 633 s.Jaokson -do- No. 499 S.L.Joaes -do- No. 398 J.J.Goodwin Broxton No. 344 J.T.Lathaoi -do- No. A.2 G.H.Radley -do- No. 28 T.Briadley Altrinoham No. 195 J.k.Bridgwater =do- No. 491 E.Clough -do- Wo. 133 F.11.Evstta -do- No. 510 C.T.Harrie -do- No. 326 W.LOwe -do- No. 397 A.Paos -do- No. 40 G.J.I.Rook -do- No. 186 J.E.Robinson -do- No. 423 E.T1t1ey -do- No. 312 R.Yfrigley -do- No. 353 H.Norton Eddisbury No. 212 H.A.Roberts -do- No. 82 F.Thomas -do- No. 166 R.G.Buokley Cre'we No. 168 T.Fletoher -do- No. 369 A.G.La reaoe -do- Wo. 449 L.LP.Over -do- No. 210 N. o arth Northvdoh No. 229 %.D.Lakin -do- No. 42 J.J.Leaaox -do- No. 233 W.G.Massey -do- No. 403 J.E.Roberts -do- No. 12 F.G.Sm3th -do- No. .412 A.B.Sorfleet -do- No. 506 B.94hitehead -do- No. 61 F.iPr3ght -do- 2- No 245 w;E. Ashbrook Wirral. No: 528 . B1ake -dowo: 128 L: Cottrell -do= No: 157 A. Da.viee -do- No: $42 . .Form t n -do- No: 292 C. Gittos -do- No: 531 J.A. Greenhalgh -do- No: 407 L.C. Nampeoa -do- No: 263 C. Mort -do- No: 115 w; Reeves -do- No. 209 W. Wille -do- No: 59 R. Murray Dukinfield No: 116 J: Rowlaad -do- No. 490 J. Taylor -do- No: 435 J.D.Bebe11 Maccleafield No. 130 J. Uawkswoytl' -do- No: 113 H: Davenport Ru o n No: 259 J:J.Gertrey -do- No. 185 A. Smïth -do- Ia accordancewith Regulation31 o£ the PoliceRegilatirin 1920,a reoordwi11 be made in the recordaof a11 concerned. A11 othercandidatesfailedin the PolicePaper. The date of thie failurewi11 be recordedas 13th Juae 1936,the date oa which the paperwae taken. In acoordanoewith the Regulat3oneaa eatry to thie eFfectwi11 be made in the Candidates'recorda. In accordaacewith Regulation32 candidateswho failed"111 aot be eligibleto sit for anothere am+ 4tlonfor pir ioti nuatil afteraa intervalo£ at leaetone year from 13th June1936: The Chie£Coaétablewleheato congratulatethosewho have passedthe eaamiaat on. . The ChiefCoastableia very pleased'withthe geaeralstandard of knowledgediepläyedby a11 the caadidatee. He realisesthat a miaimumof 75 per ent is a high etaadardbut has no doubtafterr®ading the examinationpapérsthat this standardis aot too high aad ia the ' oa é 6f the unsuccessfulcandidatescaa be reachedby a 1ittlemore etudy. He is oonfideatthat 1£ the preaeatrate o£ progreeeis maiataineda much largeraumberof candidateswi11 be suoceasfulnext year. A11 ranksappearto be wor)d.nghard and the Ch3efConstable wae particulariypleasedwith the anewereoa fingerprintsand scientific alde sinoethey clearlyshowhocvmuoh the men arè deriviagbén fitfrom the variousleoturesamd instruotionalmeworanda. The ChiefConstablewiaheato thaaka11 thoaeraspoaeible £or the eac®11entinstructiongivento the oa.ndidatesfor this ezamimation. The standardo£ la owledgedieplayedshowsthat the time is not - 3 - too far distantwhen the CheahireConetabularyin ]axawledgeand a11 roundefficiencymay claimto ? the prem3erforce 1a the country. Sincetha degreeo£ knowledgedisplayedby the aaadidatee at thie exeminätionreflectsfavourablyon their Bergeantuthe Chief Conetäbleis look ugforwardwith interestand confidenceto an equally high standardat''theforthcomingexaminationof Sergeanteto Inspectors. To enablethosewho failedto reachthe requiredstandard at this exem3nat oato sit agaiaat the earliestopportanitypermitt®d by the Po13ceRegulationsthe ChiefCoastableproposesto hold aa examinationin Ju1y 1937,in additioato the examinationto be held -nextFebruary£or which-bhos&who have failedat thie exami ation would aot be eligibleto e1t. . The monthlyexaminationquestionswi11 continieto be an indicationof the 11aeeaiongwh cha11 ranksshauldstudy. Thoee who paes exam nat nsmust be carefulnot to re1axtheireffortsto ma3ntaiaand increasetheirknowledge. The ChiefConstablehopeethat thosewho fail in exeminationswi11 not be dieoouragedaincehe regardsit ae a good teet o£ oharacterwherea man who failsonoe or many time finally succeedsin p .e i g..Ve'wouldlikato expresshis pleasureat the knowledgedieplayedby the olderméa aad he hopesthat the younger men wi11 followtheirexampl&andwork and studyh rd to keep pace with the changiagconditionso£ the Policeservice.