Force Orders 1936_45 X No. 45. •‚ June,1936. CIRCliLAT TDOALL RANKSOr^ T CHESHIRE COIQSTABLTlARY. The ChiefConstableregretsto have to saythathe has had to severelypunishan Officerof the Force£or makinga falseantryin a Parade$ook- märkinghimselfoff dutyat 6.0 a.m.,whereasthe eatryin pointof factwas made at 5.10 a.m. - or in otherwordsinsinuatingthathe was at the Police Stationat 6.0 a.m.,whereaehe leftit at 5.10a.m. The ChiefConstebleholdsthe opinionthatany Policeman who wi1fu11ydepartsf athe truthis utterlyunfit for the PoliceService,whethersuchdeparturefromthe truthis a false entryin a note-bookor Journalor ParadeBook or by any other form of £alsehood. • The ChiefConstablewouldemphasizethe necessityfor entriesin lTote-books,-Jourvlasn,d ParadeBooks,being absolitelycorrect. A note-bookor paradebook is an official record,aadevery Officeris underthe sameobligationto enter truthfullyaad accuratelyin hie note-bookor in the paradebook the recordof his day1swork,aa he is to statetruthfullyand accuratelyhis evidencein the Witnessbox. 2n the opinionof the ChiefConstableany Officerwho wi1fu11ymakesa falseentry1n his note-bookor in the parade book,or in any otherofficialrecord,or so carelesslyenters up his note-bookor paradebook,or otherofficialrecordas to conveya completelywrong impressionof what actuallyhappened, is a dangerto the communityand is not a fit and proper personto be a memberof a Policar^orce. The Chiéf Constable wishes to a all 0£ficers, particularlyyoungOfficers, thatto falsifya note-bookor other officialracordin orderto try and corroboratea falsestatement or entryof sanieotherOfficerrendersthat Officer1iableto the samepenaltyas the Officerwhosestatementor note-bookhe is falselytryingto corroborate- and in the opinionofthe ChiefConstablehe richlydeservasthe samepenalty. TY.eChiefConstablevd.shesto pointoutthat entries in a Note-bookor ParadeBookare not to be made untilthe dutyor otheroccurrencehas been performedor happened,arid thatthe Officerwho makesan entrybe£orehe has performeda dutyin anticipationof performingsuchdutyis guiltyof a seriousoffenceaad rendershimself1iableto dismissal. Sergeantsshouldimpresson theirOfficerst-he necessity for absoluteaccuracyin entriesin 7ota-bookoef recordsof ine tin. No. 45. June,1936. . For example :- ConstsbleX is to meet Coastd leY at the PoliceStationat 6.0 a.m. ConstableX in pointof fact meets ConstableY 50 yards fromthe Policestationat 5.55 a.m. 0n no accountmust this entryread -" 5etConsteble Y at PoliceStationat 6.0 a.m." The specificplaceand time must be accuratelystated. A11 Constablesof any experience wi11 realisethe neoassityfor absoluteaccuracyand the dangarsof inaccuracy. The ChiefConstablehas groundsfor believingthat entriea in the past have been saaewhat laxly made in Note books and ParadeBooks. Thismust stop at once. The ChiefConstablewould emphasizethat in his op i nany Officerwho wi.1fu11ymakesan inaccuratestateméntin a note-book,parade book or otherofficialrecordis not worthycf remaininga membero£ the CbeshireConstabulary. The ChiefCoastab1e relieson the supportof a11 Officersto try and inculcatethe spirito£ truthfulnessand accuratekeepingof'cf£ioialrecordaso that membersof the CheshireConstabularywi11 earn for themselves(whichmany alreadyha ) the characterof truthful,reliablemen, whose word and officialrecordscan alwaysbe implicitlydepeaded upon. /