Force Orders 1936_44 X No. 44. Date 13thMay, 1936. CIRCULATEDTO SIIPERINTENDENTS, INSPECTORSaud sERGEANTS. EXA iINATIONFOR PROMOTION. The Chief Constableintendsto hold an Examinationfor Sergeant who desireto sit to qualifyfor the rank of Irnpector. The examimtionwi11 be held in september,1936. The exactdatewi11 be notifiedto a11 conoernedlater. Sergeantswho desireto sit at thie exami tionwi11 report the fact to their 8uperintendentby ist Ju1y,1936. The Superintendentof each Divisionwi11 preparea list of the applicantao£ his Divisionand foywardthe listto reachHeadquartersby let post on the 4th Ju1y,1936. In the eventof any Divisionhavingno onewho wishesto takethe examinationa Ni1 returnwi11 be rendered. Sergeantswho have alreadysat £or and passedan examination, and who are desirousof being consideredfor futurepromotionwi11 be requiredto pass this Exanination. The examinationwi11 conaist of .- One paper on PoliceDuties. One paper on Diaeasesof Animals. One paper on Arithmetic. The remainingsubjectslaiddawn in the viva voce.• Failureto pass the questionson Police to have failed in the F.xamizm.tion. ThisOrderappliesto 6erg ex tson1y. Regu]ationo wi.11 be Dutieswillbe deemed