Force Orders 1936_42 X No. 42. 11th ay, 1936. CIRCUI.ATED TO AIS, RANKZ OF THE CIFk- HIRE cONS A ULARY. STOLENPROPERTYINDE . The ChiefConstabledirectsthat wheneverproperbyis reportedstolea,every endeavourwi11 be made to obtainthe beet possibledescriptionfor identificationand recordpurposes. An indexto a11 propertystolenin the County,and not recovered,ie now in use at C.I.D.HeadQuarters,and is prepared from the descriptiongivenon £orm C.I.D.2. If a betterdescriptionis obtainedafbarC.I.D.2has been forwarded,or iT furtherpropertyis reportedaa havingbeen stolen,the particularswi11 be reported. The ChiefConstablehas observedthat in many oaseswhere stolenpropertyhas been reportedas 'notrecovered'on form C.I.D.2,and has subsequentlybeea recovered,no reporthae been eubmitted,and thus the propertyindexsti11includesparticulars o£ atolenpropertywhichhaa been recovered. To ensurea aorrectreturnof Crimeand stolenproperty in the Countyit 1s essentialthat C.I.D.23 shouldbe subnittedae soon ae a crimeis deteatedwhich has previouslybean reportedas undetected,and that informationof the recoveryof stolenproperty, which hae been reportedaa 'notrecovered',shouldbe forwardedto C.1.D.Head Quar6ers.